Los conos de M (a true history)

in blurt-1293336 •  last year 

El tercer cono de M (El Rey ha muerto, viva el Rey!!!... obviamente yo no fui el coronado )

Quien halla dicho que alcanzar el amor con la mujer de tus sueños es fácil o sencillo no conoce mi épica batalla por entrar en el corazón de M...

Luego de conocer a M aquella tarde en la universidad, tuve que esperar mas de 3 años para reencontrarme con ella fortuitamente en su apartamento aunque sin saberlo todo ese tiempo ella siempre estuvo al alcance, muy cerca de mi circulo de amigos y conocidos, fue como si el destino hubiera procurado ocultarla de mi para mostrármela de nuevo luego de todo ese tiempo pero cuando no estaba sola, tenía otro novio la rubia!!!. A pesar de la magia del segundo cono que logro reconciliarlos, la rubia ya habia pecado y volvería a pecar solo era cuestión de tiempo.

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El problema para mi fue que durante ese tiempo no solo construí una sana y sincera amistad con M si no que también me hice un buen amigo de su novio, la rubia estudiaba en la misma universidad que yo, no la misma carrera si no otra ingeniería, así que vimos algunas materias juntos que compartían el pensum de Sistemas e Industrial. A principios del año siguiente aproximadamente 6 meses después de la entrega del segundo cono, cuando yo llevaba en total poco mas de un año frecuentando y cultivando mi amistad con M y la rubia, el par de tórtolos volvieron a romper, ¿el motivo? el de siempre la rubia le llevo serenata a otra!!!. Aquí cometí un error de calculo o de juicio mas bien dicho, para ese momento ya la rubia era un buen amigo, le tome cariño y aprecio la verdad sea dicha, así que apenas me entere de la ruptura entre el y M no me lance al ataque, me quede quieto, le otorgue un compás de espera por ser mi amigo, fiel al lema de «no hacer lo que no me gustaría que me hicieran a mi», si yo hubiera roto con mi novia no me hubiera gustado para nada que uno de mis amigos fuera enamorarla al día siguiente.

Pero allí estuvo quizás mi error, porque para ese entonces no era el único que estaba esperando que M y la rubia terminaran su relación para tratar de conquistarla!!!, un nuevo rival se revelo entre las sombras, un águila alzo el vuelo atacando con fuerza y sin miramientos!!!, ya que los escrúpulos que yo tuve con la rubia por ser mi amigo este nuevo pretendiente de M obviamente no los tuvo. Yo considere apropiado y justo darle unos 3 meses a la rubia luego de romper con M, sabía que el intentaría volver y de hecho no me equivoque consiguió regresar con M por un breve lapso de tiempo al mes y medio de romper, esta vez sin la ayuda de un cono, quizás ese fue el problema o tal vez fueron las garras del italiano.

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El italiano era una nevera, grande y corpulento, no hubiera querido tener un encuentro con ese tipo ni en sueños!!!. Compañero de universidad y carrera de M, iban en el mismo año, y jamas sospeche que el tipo seria un problema porque astutamente se mantuvo oculto todo ese tiempo pasando desapercibido, si la rubia no lo vio venir, mucho menos yo hasta que ya fue demasiado tarde, en ese poco mas de un año que me reencontré con M, y comencé a frecuentar su apartamento mientras nos hacíamos buenos amigos, digo esto sin exagerar a pesar de ser M compañeros de carrera y amiga del italiano, yo lo vi 3 o 4 veces en todo ese tiempo, pero apenas M y la rubia terminaron el hombre se mantuvo al lado de M como su guardaespaldas, no la dejaba sola ni un momento y en ese mes y medio entre el rompimiento de M y la rubia antes de su breve regreso, lo vi todas las veces junto a M, siempre a su lado se convirtió en su sombra.

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Esa insistencia, perseverancia y arrojo del italiano por procurar quedarse con M fue el culpable de dar origen «al incidente» que marcaría mi relación con M por los próximos dos años. Cuando M y la rubia rompieron este se mudo de manera transitoria (pensaba el) al apartamento de La Noche, una tarde estando allí reunidos el núcleo de la banda de los roba conos, La Noche, mi primo, la rubia y yo, llego M a verlo para iniciar con los tramites de la reconciliación!!!, pero M no vendría sola porque luego de un par de horas de estar en el apartamento se apareció el italiano abajo del edificio buscándola pegando gritos y muy molesto.

La rubia era guapo, tocaba guitarra, muy inteligente y con un don de gentes casi mágico que hacia que le cayera bien a todo el mundo, era como la miel que atrae a las moscas!!!, pero también era un cobarde, M decidió bajar para calmar al italiano y quien debió bajar con ella para protegerla y marcar su territorio debió haber sido el pero no tuvo los cojones!!!, así que los que bajamos para no dejar sola a M con aquel energúmeno y evitar cualquier intento del italiano de ponerse violento con mi hobbit!!! fuimos mi primo y yo, abajo no paso nada, salvo un cruce de miradas iracundas de parte y parte no paso de allí, M se marcho con el italiano pero la semilla de enemistad entre los tres involucrados en el incidente quedo sembrada desde entonces y para siempre.

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M y la rubia volverían a estar juntos por dos semanas luego de eso, para finalmente romper definitivamente, yo me entere un miércoles en la universidad cuando coincidí en una clase con la rubia, tenían unos días de haber roto nuevamente según me contó, ya no habría mas compás de espera ni concesiones, ya sabia que el italiano iba en serio, no estaba solo en la carrera por M, así que debía moverme, dos días después el viernes en la tarde, me eche un buen baño, me vestí y arregle un poco mas que de costumbre, me puse bastante colonia, monte sobre mi corcel mecanizado ( que gracias a Dios prendió pensé en ese momento ), pase primero por un antiguo salón de videos, si en aquellos años todavía se alquilaban películas y a M le encantaban las románticas, así que alquile «tienes un email», M adoraba esa película, luego pase por una licorería, compre 12 cervezas para mi y una botella de vino para M.

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Llegue al edificio donde vivía M pasadas las 7 de la noche sin previo aviso, ya para ese entonces tenía ese derecho, toque el intercomunicador anunciando mi llegada me atendió ella, -ya bajo abrirte- me dijo, pero no bajo ella, si no el italiano que me vio con cara de pocos amigos nada mas abrir la puerta, por suerte se me ocurrió ir mejor vestido de como acostumbro ese día, llevaba una chaqueta sobre la camisa, así que me apresure a esconder la pelicula en uno de sus bolsillos internos, no iba a torturarme pasando 2 horas sentado viendo a Tom Hanks enamorarse de Meg Ryan junto a M y el italiano, fue mi único acierto de aquella noche, arriba M destapo su botella de vino, a mi me toco compartir las 12 latas de cerveza que lleve con el italiano, me bebí mis 6 lo mas rápido que pude para salir de allí lo antes posible, luego de enterarme que M tenía nuevo novio, mal rayo me parta!!!, otra vez me tocaba quedarme sentado en la banca esperando mi turno al bate, solo que esta vez contaba con una gran desventaja, la enemistad del italiano.

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*** *** *** English Version *** *** ***

The third cone of M (The King has died, long live the King!!!... obviously I was not the one crowned)

Whoever said that achieving love with the woman of your dreams is easy or simple does not know my epic battle to enter the heart of M...

After meeting M that afternoon at the university, I had to wait more than 3 years to meet her again by chance in her apartment, although without knowing it all that time she was always within reach, very close to my circle of friends and acquaintances, it was like If fate had tried to hide her from me to show her to me again after all that time, but when she wasn't alone, she had another boyfriend, the blonde!!! Despite the magic of the second cone that managed to reconcile them, the blonde had already sinned and would sin again, it was only a matter of time.

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The problem for me was that during that time I not only built a healthy and sincere friendship with M but I also became good friends with her boyfriend, the blonde studied at the same university as me, not the same degree but another engineering. , so we saw some subjects together that shared the Systems and Industrial curriculum. At the beginning of the following year, approximately 6 months after the delivery of the second cone, when I had spent a total of just over a year frequenting and cultivating my friendship with M and the blonde, the pair of lovebirds broke up again. The reason? The usual blonde serenaded another!!! Here I made an error in calculation or judgment, rather, by that time the blonde was already a good friend, I became fond of her and I appreciated the truth be told, so as soon as I found out about the breakup between him and M I didn't jump into it. attack, I stayed still, I gave him a period of waiting for being my friend, faithful to the motto of "not doing what I would not like done to me", if I had broken up with my girlfriend I would not have liked it at all. one of my friends fell in love with her the next day.

But that was perhaps my mistake, because by then I was not the only one who was waiting for M and the blonde to end their relationship to try to conquer her!!!, a new rival was revealed in the shadows, an eagle took flight attacking with force and without regard!!!, since the scruples that I had with the blonde for being my friend, this new suitor of M obviously did not have them. I considered it appropriate and fair to give the blonde about 3 months after breaking up with M, I knew that he would try to come back and in fact, I was not mistaken, he managed to return to M for a short period of time a month and a half after breaking up, this time without the help of a cone, maybe that was the problem or maybe it was the Italian's claws.

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The Italian was a refrigerator, big and burly, I wouldn't have wanted to have a meeting with that guy even in my dreams!!! M's college and career classmate, they were in the same year, and I never suspected that the guy would be a problem because he cleverly kept hidden all that time going unnoticed, if the blonde didn't see him coming, much less me until it was too much. Later, in that little more than a year that I met M again, and I began to frequent his apartment while we became good friends, I say this without exaggerating despite M being classmates and friends with the Italian, I saw him 3 or 4 times in all that time, but as soon as M and the blonde broke up, the man stayed by M's side as her bodyguard, he didn't leave her alone for a moment and in that month and a half between M and the blonde's breakup before their brief I came back, I saw him every time with M, always at his side he became his shadow.

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That insistence, perseverance and courage of the Italian to try to stay with M was the culprit of giving rise to "the incident" that would mark my relationship with M for the next two years. When M and the blonde broke up, he moved temporarily (he thought) to La Noche's apartment, one afternoon while the nucleus of the cone-stealing gang was gathered there, La Noche, my cousin, the blonde and I, M arrived at see him to start the reconciliation procedures!!!, but M would not come alone because after a couple of hours of being in the apartment the Italian appeared at the bottom of the building looking for her, screaming and very upset.

The blonde was handsome, he played guitar, very intelligent and had an almost magical people skills that made everyone like him, he was like honey that attracts flies!!!, but he was also a coward, M decided go down to calm the Italian and the one who should have gone down with her to protect her and mark her territory must have been him but he didn't have the balls!!!, so those of us who went down to not leave M alone with that madman and avoid any attempt by the Italian to get violent with my hobbit!!! My cousin and I went, nothing happened downstairs, except for an exchange of angry glances on both sides. M left with the Italian but the seed of enmity between the three involved in the incident was sown from then on and for always.

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M and the blonde would be together again for two weeks after that, to finally break up permanently, I found out on a Wednesday at the university when I met the blonde in a class, they had broken up again for a few days according to what she told me, they were no longer together. There would be no more waiting or concessions, I already knew that the Italian was serious, I was not alone in the race for M, so I had to move, two days later on Friday afternoon, I took a good bath, got dressed and got ready a little more than usual, I put on a lot of cologne, mounted my mechanized steed (which, thank God, turned on I thought at that moment), I first passed by an old video room, yes in those years they still rented movies and M loved them the romantic ones, so I rented "You've Got Email", M loved that movie, then I stopped by a liquor store, I bought 12 beers for me and a bottle of wine for M.

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I arrived at the building where M lived after 7 at night without prior notice, by then I already had that right, I touched the intercom announcing my arrival, she answered me, "I'll open it for you" she told me, but not under her, but the Italian who saw me with an unfriendly face as soon as I opened the door, luckily it occurred to me to be dressed better than I usually did that day, I was wearing a jacket over my shirt, so I hurried to hide the movie in one of its internal pockets. I wasn't going to torture myself by spending 2 hours sitting watching Tom Hanks fall in love with Meg Ryan with M and the Italian, it was my only success that night, upstairs M uncorked his bottle of wine, it was my turn to share the 12 cans of beer I had been with the Italian, I drank my 6 as fast as I could to get out of there as soon as possible, after finding out that M had a new boyfriend, damn it, I was leaving!!!, Once again I had to sit on the bench waiting for my turn at bat, only this time I had a big disadvantage, the enmity of the Italian.

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To be continue...

Relatos Anteriores:
El primer cono
El segundo cono

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