Bitmain Antminer S9 …. $ 70.00

in blurt-129105 •  16 days ago  (edited)

I’m doing some more research into these affordable Home Bitcoin Mining rigs.

The Antminer S9 looks like a really good deal.

$70 Cdn ( $ 50 USD)

Antminer S9 :

It does 14 TerraHash/s ….

That would get you 1,120 Satoshi a day on Braiins Pool

That’s about .72 USD / day … $262 / year

Would pay for itself in 2 months … depending on your Electrical costs.

If you can run on Solar that’s the best.


Bitmain Antminer S9 for 70.00$

Discover the power of the Bitmain Antminer S9, a leading choice for cryptocurrency enthusiasts. Whether you’re a seasoned miner or just starting out, the Antminer S9 offers a blend of performance and reliability that stands out.

The Bitmain Antminer S9 has evolved to become a favourite among home miners, enthusiasts, hobbyists, and even some commercial setups leveraging its heat output. Recognizing these diverse needs, D-Central has tailored its offerings to ensure every miner finds their perfect match.


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