Watercolors for sale on Blurt Market @offgridlife

in blurt-129105 •  4 days ago  (edited)

I’m going to get back into painting small watercolours again.

4 x 6 on heavy watercolour paper.

Unframed …. $ 200 USD ( includes shipping anywhere)

Payment options below …

Grogu and the Mandalorian (Proof of Work) Timelapse video :

Send shipping address via DM on X.com …


Current price $200 USD = 100,000 Blurt

Payable to @offgridlife on Blurt.blog

Other Payment Options :

Bitcoin via Lightning : $200 USD (.0032 Bitcoin)


[email protected]

Convert USD to Bitcoin : https://www.kraken.com/convert/usd/btc


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