Watercolors and NFTs for sale on Blurt Market and Mintable.com

in blurt-129105 •  5 days ago  (edited)

I am going to create a series of Watercolor paintings from the kayak and post for sale here on the Blurt Market : https://blurt.blog/trending/blurt-129105

I will also create Digital NFTs from these works and post for sale on Mintable since there are no gas fees to create and post NFTs there..

Update : Mintable is NOT FREE … it requested $50 in Eth to set up a Store ????

We need a Blurt NFT platform

Twilight on Mosquito Creek.


Original 5 x 8” watercolor on heavy Watercolor paper . $100 USD


More NFT …. Digital Experiments

Fireflies on Mosquito Creek


Monet AI :





Coming Soon (Nope) : https://mintable.com/u/offgrid

Payment Options for Original Paintings :

Via Blurt to @offgridlife

Bitcoin via Lightning Payment :


To have Original artwork sent by Mail …
Send Shipping information via DM on X.com

DM : Https://X.com/Offgrid

Special Thanks to @khrom for setting up the Blurt Market Community. Hopefully more artists will share their Original Artwork and Digital NFTs for sale.

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