in blurt-129105 •  4 days ago 

I know posts like this don't get supported easily but I'll write it anyways cause I love blurt and with blurt I know and believe we can achieve a lot.



Many people think blurt is dead or dying slowly and I use to think that too till I came across this post that changed my mind.

Let's talk about how blurt was sometimes ago (THE OLD BLURT). Blurt was filled with happy people doing what they know how to do best, support each other, invest and grow.

The old blurt system had a different witnesses presenting their ideas and getting fundings to run those ideas and smile at it's progress.

The old blurt had an exciting moment filled with real humans voting manually, engaging and contributing to help grow blurt as everyone matters.


Well for me I was actually thinking it was because of the Vote buying system and inner cricle but does it really matter if it was actually keeping blurt alive?

Anyways what we need now is some sort of change to cover the current challenge blurt is facing which is growth.

Lets make some awesome changes by calling for a marketing campaign, we can also relaunch the platform by which I believe would have been a nice idea ealier before the upgrade to implementing communities.

New community funding
New Community Tools
New Scalability
New Economic Model
New Leadership in Blurt
Project Managers
New Attitude
Standard media team for blurt marketing campaign

We need to plan and package the idea of a new, exciting and lively blurt and there are ways we can achieve that using memes, stories, community-wide and outside all we need is amazing designs, creative posts and nice memes.

Not only that, we also need new project Ideas from people who know what they are doing, we can start with community-wide marketing campaign.

I believe it's time to stop powering down and start powering up to save the new blurt idea and platform.

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  ·  4 days ago  ·  

As for the post, of course, a lot needs to be done.

As for the marketing strategy, you must know that Blurt, as a decentralized social media, does not have one coherent strategy because everyone is an investor here, there are also many frontends, applications and visions for blurt. As for the blurt blog itself, I know that there was a campaign, but it did not bring the expected results, so it was abandoned.

But I mute him in the group because he doesn't fit into the blurt market group because he doesn't offer anything or look for any orders,

I suggest publishing it on the blog again.

  ·  4 days ago  ·  

Oh am really sorry for posting this here truly I am, I was thinking since there are business minded people I could gather more ideas for my next post and yes there are multiple frontends but I think blurt blog is the only fully functioning frontends.

Maybe they didn't implement what I have upstairs(in my head to help this grow) I'll just copy this and repost it elsewhere cause It took a whole of thinking to create this smiles 😀.

Thank you once more I really do respect that fact that your actively making sure the community maintains it standard, keep up the good work.