in blurt-127012 •  4 months ago 

Hello Splinterland Warriors!

How are you all? I hope you will be blessed and fine every day. In today's post, i will share the focus rewards of today along with an epic card from the death Splinter of chaos legion edition that i got from a free pack



MAGI NECROSI is a great epic card that does exist in my collection. Still, i did not use it in my battles all the time as i am ignoring this card and replacing this one with other cards but as the snipe with camouflage ability is awesome this card can not be targeted by the enemy monsters until it comes to the first position for fighting but will weaken backline enemy team with its snipe attack of magic that can be increased at level 3.



There are some cool abilities in this card when you make it to max level you can get all the abilities with enough speed and 6 health at level 6 but currently upgrading this card to level 3 will cost $2+ so calculate the price of upgrading this card to max level before upgrading this card we need a max level summoner otherwise we can not get benefit from its two more abilities of oppress at level 4 and the stun at max level while i am not using it so level 1 is enough.



The focus rewards of today are worst ever rewards and did not get good rewards in the last 3 days but i am happy for the season_end rewards this time the rewards will be from the diamond league so hope to get some good rewards in the form of SPS while today's rewards are below that you can see with almost 300 merits, some common BCX and potion charges ith SPS.


The rewards of the silver league are normal by getting two rare BCX of the neutral card along with some cents of SPS but still the rewards are not good the comparison of silver and gold league rewards can be seen in these two snaps and yes not all the time this comparison is like this while some day the silver league rewards are far better than the Gold league.

All images are from the Splinterlands website

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Best Regards @moeenali

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