Exploring Split: From Ancient Salona to Majestic Klis Fortress

in blurt-1234567 •  10 months ago 





At the Split Hostel, we gathered in a small group with plans to explore independently. Leaving our hostel located in the Palast, we headed to the bus stop. The bus stop's location was a bit confusing, made even more so by the uncertainty of buses due to Covid.

After a while, a bus arrived, and we boarded it for our first destination, Salona. Our initial stop was the amphitheater, now known as Solin, where Roman Emperor Diocletian was responsible for the persecution of Christians. We took photos in that very amphitheater.

Continuing our journey, we strolled to the historic site of the ancient city Salona, Diocletian's birthplace. The walk was lengthy but picturesque, beginning with an ancient church that we explored.

From the church, we walked down an Allee and reached the ancient city. The spot offered a beautiful view. However, our day's adventures weren't over. Our next destination was the Klis Fortress, famous for its role in "Game of Thrones."

Starting with the main street, we stopped at a store to quench our thirst. Despite it being March, the heat was intense, leaving us drained. Expecting to catch a bus, we were surprised to find none available. The only options were walking or taking a taxi. So, we decided to use Uber and booked a taxi.

The taxi transported us to the fortress, which took some time. More details about that part of the journey will follow in a separate post.

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