Yesterday, on June 11, I turned 46 years old! It was a fun day celebrating. I actually started the night before with 12 of my friends in the area getting together at a local burger place to have a meal and hang out. We represented 7 different countries among the 12 of us! I love my friends here - one even made me a birthday cake!

On my birthday, I suggested we walk around our neighborhood and make birthday bouquets with the wild flowers around here. We have some friends staying in our guest room, so even their kids participated.


They all did such a great job and their flowers still look so pretty today!

They made for lovely centerpieces for the table! I'm glad we took the time to pick so many flowers! And for free! My favorite are the waxy ornamental ginger. They're so unique looking!


In the afternoon, I usually have some tea, but I had found this Dr Pepper a while back at a store and it's been in the fridge. It was the perfect day to "make some room" in the fridge and drink my Dr Pepper. Yep, I know they're terrible for you, but I don't have Cokes too often, so I figure on my birthday was a good time to indulge in one!

In the afternoon, we went with our friends to Sitio Barriles, which is an archeological site that's pretty close to us. Years ago, National Geographic sent some archeologists to dig around after some pots were found in the ground of a local farm. We got a tour from this older lady who speaks English and it was pretty interesting. Their property is amazing looking - so many tropical plants!


For dinner we went to our usual place for birthday pizza. It's a nice place to enjoy pizza and check out the grounds of the hotel and restaurant. We do this pretty much for every birthday (which in this family happens about every other month - January, February, May, June, July, September, November!). Our friends joined us and there were 14 of us!

Upon arriving home late, the kids went to bed, so they missed out on dessert. I've been holding onto this pecan pie in the freezer for a while, but with fasting or doing the Keto diet, it hasn't fit in. I decided my birthday would be a great time to have a tiny piece. It was delicious!! I hope to share some with the kids today so everyone can enjoy it as well.

I was born 46 years ago on my dad's 25th birthday, so of course I had to call and talk to him as well! It was a great day!
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