Happy Monday Blurt!

in blurt-122418 •  7 months ago 


I am not sure where the weekend went, but as I discussed with Jude earlier, it went by way too fast!!! Don’t they always! So alas, here we are - Monday morning and a brand new week lying ahead of us all.

Do you ever find that you sometimes derail a little in your life focus and approach? Well, I know I do and yesterday after having a good and proper sulk session, I decided to have a nice stern talking to myself. Lol – Anybody who had been inside my head at the time would probably have been either really confused or would have had a really good laugh and the internal dialogue… but it needed to happen and I am glad I did it.

I have learnt over the years that in order to prevent “stagnation” you have to continuously walk a path of passion, innovation and growth, but I think we all waver at times and become a little complacent and comfortable with a certain routine and then after some time, things can somewhat lose their sparkle – and we have to find a way within ourselves to put that sparkle back into our daily existence.

So, that was precisely the lecture I gave myself yesterday and once I had done that I was suddenly flooded with ideas and enthusiasm which were not in any way forced but flowed in a wonderfully natural manner... and it felt good!

So, here’s to keeping the sparkle alive in our lives!


Have a MAGICAL Monday!


Until next time...
Much Love from Country Bumpkinland, South Africa xxx



Typos make me human. I may or may not get around to correcting them.

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