Andrew Hall: A Bad Day On Mars | Thunderbolts

in blurt-105966 •  5 months ago 

Andrew Hall: A Bad Day On Mars | Thunderbolts

Thunderbolts Project
226K subscribers
14,723 views Sep 22, 2024

They call Mars "Scar Face". His weapon, the Thunderbolt. In other words, the electrical circuit equivalent of an X-class flare on the Sun is what happened to Mars.

Mars looks like it was hit by an enormous Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) which struck the North Pole, spreading surface charge across the planet—stripping away the original atmosphere and leaving a dense plasma of charged dust particles and gases.

This charged layer of soil was immediately sputtered by the coulomb force between the crustal surface and the electrified atmosphere—virtually lifted off the Martian landscape into plasma winds which deposited the dust surrounding the oppositely charged South Pole. This is why Mars—like the Moon—has regolith piled on one hemisphere and not the other.

Author and engineer Andrew Hall empirically demonstrates Mars is a blown spherical capacitor.

Valles Marineris in the Laboratory? | Space News

Thunderbolts Project
226K subscribers
23,908 views May 9, 2015

The most stupendous feature on Mars is Valles Marineris, the great trench stretching more than three-thousand miles across the Martian surface.

In the 1970s engineer Ralph Juergens first proposed that Valles Marineris is the scar left by a giant, interplanetary lightning bolt. If these events did occur, can they be replicated in experiments on Earth?

This challenge is taken up by two leading EU advocates exploring the theory of planetary electrical scarring. Geologic researcher Michael Steinbacher (1946–2015) and experimentalist Billy Yelverton collaborated to replicate the complex conditions that might have been present in an epoch of planetary instability.

Michael and Billy introduce their collaboration, including BIlly's reproduction of Valles Marineris.

Plasma craters from experiments match real craters

See the Pattern
43.7K subscribers
12,510 views May 1, 2022

Welcome to a new series. In this series, I want to briefly cover the history of the idea of electrical cratering and the associated experiments that confirmed the idea. I then want to examine how exactly each type of crater can be formed by examining real examples alongside experimental evidence. In this episode, we will cover the history. Let's dive in and find out more.

Many will be familiar with the concept that the volcanoes on Io are not really volcanoes but instead caused by an electrical phenomenon. How exactly does this mechanism work and why does it produce the shapes it does? In order to understand this, we must examine a paper published by Anthony Peratt who worked at the Los Alamos National Laboratory and Alexander Dessler who founded the space science department at Rice University. Let's dive in and find out more.

Even though our Sun is shutting down for another Maunder or Dalton Minimum cycle... there is still some good news being censored too....

The Future of Electricity | SAFIRE

Will The Electrician
320 subscribers
14,895 views Mar 29, 2020

Understanding the stars and the heavens in a radically different way. The latest scientific breakthroughs bring with them the promise of a cleaner and brighter future for humanity. This video is intended to be a brief introduction to the magnificent SAFIRE Project.

SAFIRE has currently moved into the next phase of their experiment which is to bring their discoveries to the market via prototype energy production units, you can learn more about this at

SAFIRE Project made their announcement SEPT 2, 2019

Special Feature: THE SAFIRE SUN

226K subscribers
98,051 views Mar 10, 2020

Based on the discoveries of the last six years, the SAFIRE team is currently developing a plasma reactor that will have the capacity to both generate electrical power and remediate radioactive waste.

THE SAFIRE SUN is an 11-minute film designed to give a quick overview of the project.



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