Magnetic North is now drifting faster than 30 miles per year.

in blurt-105966 •  3 months ago 


Magnetic North is now drifting faster than 30 miles per year.


ADAPT-2030-5 (2021_12_27 00_05_34 UTC).jpg

12d1343c04261e16 (2022_01_10 09_18_18 UTC).png

Thornhill's POV: Science Heading for a BIG BANG | Thunderbolts

The Thunderbolts Project
227K subscribers
10K views 1 day ago

Matt Finn: Storms of Saturn | Thunderbolts

The Thunderbolts Project
227K subscribers
Nov 17, 2024

Allow Matt Finn, the narrator, to direct your attention to Saturn, where a host of electrical activity and interconnected electrical systems are raising questions for the standard model, and answering them for the electric one.

Wal Thornhill wrote in February 2005...“Saturn's polar 'hot-spot' should be found on closer inspection to exhibit a similar structure of the Venusian polar dipole. Its compactness is due to the electromagnetic pinch effect where it enters Saturn's atmosphere.

The hot spot's behavior should be variable like that on Venus and correlated with the appearance of Saturn's ring spokes, which are visible manifestations of a heightened equatorial discharge in that part of Saturn's Faraday motor circuit.

The Electric Universe also predicts, experimentum crucis, that BOTH poles should be hot, not one hot and the other cold.

As you can imagine, verification of any of these predictions should serve notice that plasma cosmology and the electric model of stars is the cosmology of the future.”

Author, EU advocate and narrator Matt Finn, explains how it's the electric force we're seeing at work on Saturn—and the further out we look, the more obvious it becomes we're witnessing evidence of an Electric Universe.

Even though our Sun is shutting down for another Maunder or Dalton Minimum cycle... there is still some good news being censored too....

The Future of Electricity | SAFIRE

Will The Electrician
320 subscribers
14,895 views Mar 29, 2020

Understanding the stars and the heavens in a radically different way. The latest scientific breakthroughs bring with them the promise of a cleaner and brighter future for humanity. This video is intended to be a brief introduction to the magnificent SAFIRE Project.

SAFIRE has currently moved into the next phase of their experiment which is to bring their discoveries to the market via prototype energy production units, you can learn more about this at

SAFIRE Project made their announcement SEPT 2, 2019

Special Feature: THE SAFIRE SUN

226K subscribers
98,051 views Mar 10, 2020

Based on the discoveries of the last six years, the SAFIRE team is currently developing a plasma reactor that will have the capacity to both generate electrical power and remediate radioactive waste.

THE SAFIRE SUN is an 11-minute film designed to give a quick overview of the project.



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