Greetings, fellow Blurtians!
Today, I invite you once again to delve with me into the depths of the Blurt blockchain, uncovering its mysterious data. Our mission for today: unveil the number of active accounts and the quantities of BLURT they hold, whether in balance, in savings or as BLURT Power.
Recall that during the creation of the Blurt blockchain from a fork of the Steem blockchain (a snapshot copy), Steem wallets were converted into BLURT via a generous airdrop, instead of going through a claiming system. This approach generated a substantial amount of BLURT in ghost accounts, such as those of exchanges like Binance and Bittrex, which chose not to redistribute the airdrop to their clients, as well as Steemians or Hivians who missed the creation of the Blurt blockchain or just not care about it, and recovering Steem ghost accounts (individuals who have lost their keys, passed away, or simply abandoned the platform).
This leaves us with a lingering question: Out of the 521,356,598.792 BLURT in the Total Supply, how much truly belongs to active accounts?
This is the question we'll attempt to answer today, following the thread of my previous post Unveiling the Secrets of 🤬 BLURT 🔥 Burns! which tackled the equally mysterious question "How much BLURT is being burned through the @null wallet?"
Additional points regarding the previous post
Before we begin, two additional points regarding the previous post.

As some have pointed out, correlating the number of BLURT burned with the number of new BLURT created per month would have been relevant.
Here's the answer: Based on the data returned by the Dynamic Global Properties method of the Condenser API, 4 BLURT (calculated on the difference in total supply between 2 blocks) are created for each block (1 block every 3 seconds), i.e. 3,456,000 BLURT/month (20 blocks per minute x 60 x 24 x 30) distributed as follows:
- 65% to the reward pool, divided between authors and curators.
- 15% of new tokens are allocated to BLURT Power holders.
- 10% to the Blurt proposal system.
- The remaining 10% is used to reward witnesses.
So, the 360,470.248 BLURT burned, a result we found between November 1st and 30th from the previous post, represents 10.43% of the BLURT created in a month.
I've also come across questions about the utility of the BLURT burning campaign, why does the % defined for burning seem more important than the quality of the post or even the quality of the post have no value in this campaign? and also regarding the fact that only the author's reward is burned, not the curation reward.
My response is personal and shouldn't be considered a generality or an absolute fact but rather a personal reflection as a Witness, Blogger (when I have the time), and Small Investor.
What determines the price of something is certainly how much there is of it, but there's also what comes before that, i.e. its attractiveness, the interest it arouses, and whether there's a demand for it (which like many examples in the past can be created). If one of these values is close to 0, whatever the number for sale, it will have almost no value.
The positive aspect I see in this burning campaign is its potential to boost overall activity on the blockchain so this may have an impact on its attractiveness and interest, stimulating both the quantity and quality of posts and discussions (on Blurt and Socials).
Of course, as always, there are those trying by all means to take advantage of anything put in place. This campaign is no exception to the rule, which is why I would have much preferred manual curation (involving one or more manual curators) rather than automation to have real control over the quality of the content upvoted.
Just as I would have liked the BLURT curation reward to be burned in the same proportion for the sake of fairness.
Before going any further, an important clarification: burning the curation reward is not burning the BLURTs bought by investors, but what could be compared to burning the interest they generate.
In a world where time is money, writing a post (and therefore spending time) is an investment that can be valued. The published post also gains its own valuation through its ranking in search engines and the click-through rate it generates. I created a Steem account one day in 2018 because a lot of my Google searches led me to Steemit posts.
If you remove content creators from YouTube, Twitch, Instagram, TikTok, etc.... What's left of their value?
Burning a portion of what the publication earns for the author is, therefore, burning a part of the result of their investment. Burning the same amount of curation reward as the author's reward is a way to balance participation in this burning effort.
If you're interested in seeing many other points of view, you can read the comments on this post which deal with the subject Hablemos de Blurt con un buen café || Let's talk about Blurt with a good coffee
Now, back to our topic for today (yes, I'm prolonging the suspense, haha).
Number of Active Accounts
Similar to the previous post, I embarked on a small script. This time, I used my analysis database to easily obtain the list of all accounts that performed at least one operation on the blockchain in 2023 — be it a transfer, vote, comment, follow, etc.
This led to a count of 3,407 active accounts.
This sparked my interest in making some trivial comparisons, such as:
- The Beblurt delegation program received delegations from 50 delegators, accounting for 1.4675% of the active accounts.
- My Witness gained support from 153 Supporters, whom I thank very much, meaning that 4.49% of Blurtians trust me concerning decisions on blockchain fees, acceptance of a Hard Fork, and so on. It also means that 4.49% of Blurtians trust me to secure the blockchain through my witness server and provide them access to the Blurt blockchain through my RPC node.
A reminder, you have 30 votes for Witnesses with your account. For each vote, each Witness receives in return power equivalent to your BLURT Power divided by the number of Witness votes you've cast. If you vote for only one witness, he receives the equivalent of 100% of your BLURT power; if you vote for 2, each receives 50%; if you vote for 3, each receives 1/3, and so forth.
Thanks to those who supported @saboin's witness after my last post and my witness.
You can vote for your favorite witness(es) via BlurtWallet or BeBlurt.
BLURT Holdings in Active Wallets
Now that we know there are 3,407 active accounts, what are the BLURT amounts in their wallets?
- In Balance: 13,001,691.672 BLURT
- In Saving: 137,045.498 BLURT
- In BLURT Power: 189,862,486.857 BLURT

A total of 203,001,224.027 BLURT. When compared to the 521,360,534.474 BLURT in the Current Supply, this is not even half!
Assuming a Market Cap estimated at $1,752,678.91 (1 BLURT = $0.00336174), if we relate this to the 203,001,224.027 BLURT, it would be valued at 1 BLURT = $0.00863383.
For a more rigorous calculation using the current rate ($0.00336174) x 203,001,224.027 BLURT, the real Market Cap of BLURT would be $682,437.33.
I would like to rerun my script, taking into account data from the beginning of the Blurt blockchain. While I expect the number of active accounts to be much higher, I don't expect to find many more BLURTs, as many of these accounts have probably sold their BLURT.
However, I need to initiate a total replay of my Blurt analysis application first (as it starts on January 1, 2023), and this will take some time.
As with yesterday, your feedback was interesting and constructive. I'd love to hear your interpretations of these new results and if you expected these amounts.
For Developers and the Curious
Here's the script I wrote for this analysis, divided into groups of 100 accounts for those interested.
/** db */
import mongodb from './db/mongodb/index.js'
import { dbAnalyticsAccountActivity } from './db/mongodb/analytics_account_activity.js'
const rpc = ['', '', '', '']
import { Asset, Client } from '@beblurt/dblurt'
interface RESULT {
accounts: number
balance: Asset
savings_balance: Asset
blurt_power: Asset
vesting_shares: Asset
const getData = async (usernames: string[], result: RESULT): Promise<RESULT> => {
try {
const client = new Client(rpc, { timeout: 1500 })
const accounts = await client.condenser.getAccounts(usernames)
for await (const account of accounts) {
result.balance = result.balance.add(account.balance)
result.savings_balance = result.savings_balance.add(account.savings_balance)
result.vesting_shares = result.vesting_shares.add(account.vesting_shares)
return result
} catch (error) {
throw error
const delayed = (ms: number): Promise<void> => {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
const start = async (): Promise<void> => {
try {
let start =
let step =
let result = {
accounts: 0,
balance: Asset.from(0, 'BLURT'),
savings_balance: Asset.from(0, 'BLURT'),
blurt_power: Asset.from(0, 'BLURT'),
vesting_shares: Asset.from(0, 'VESTS')
/** Connect to mongodb */
const client = new Client(rpc, { timeout: 1500 })
/** Retrieve active account */
const activeAccounts = await dbAnalyticsAccountActivity.distinct('account', { year: '2023' })
console.log(`\x1b[1;33m${activeAccounts.length}\x1b[0m actives accounts`)
result.accounts = activeAccounts.length
const batchSize = 100
for (let i = 0; i < activeAccounts.length; i += batchSize) {
const batch = activeAccounts.slice(i, i + batchSize)
console.log(`Batch processing ${i / batchSize + 1}`)
result = await getData(batch, result)
console.log(`Balance: \x1b[1;32m${result.balance}\x1b[0m`)
console.log(`Saving: \x1b[1;32m${result.savings_balance}\x1b[0m`)
console.log(`Vesting Share: \x1b[1;32m${result.vesting_shares}\x1b[0m`)
/** Dynamique Global Properties */
const DGP = await client.condenser.getDynamicGlobalProperties()
/** VESTS */
const VESTS = result.vesting_shares.amount
const VESTS_BLURT = Asset.from(, DGP), 'BLURT')
result.blurt_power = result.blurt_power.add(VESTS_BLURT)
const delay = - start
const delayTime = delay > 1000 ?
(delay > 60000 ?
(delay > 3600000 ?
(delay/3600000).toFixed(0) + ' hour(s)' :
(delay/60000).toFixed(0) + ' mn') :
(delay/1000).toFixed(3) + ' sec') :
delay.toFixed(3) + ' ms'
console.log(`Results in \x1b[1;32m${delayTime}\x1b[0m`)
console.log(`accounts: \x1b[1;33m${result.accounts}\x1b[0m`)
console.log(`Balance: \x1b[1;32m${result.balance}\x1b[0m`)
console.log(`Saving: \x1b[1;32m${result.savings_balance}\x1b[0m`)
console.log(`BLURT Power: \x1b[1;32m${result.blurt_power}\x1b[0m`)
} catch (e) {
console.log('\x1b[31m%s\x1b[0m', `Error: ${ e instanceof Error ? e.message : 'DBmongo error' }`)
console.log('\x1b[33m%s\x1b[0m', 'Stack:', e instanceof Error ? e.stack : 'No info')

How to support my work on Blurt
- Backing my Witness:
It only takes a click since you're entitled to 30 witness votes with your Blurt account. Even if I'm already in the top 20 and it won't generate more BLURT for me, it will secure my position, and it's always appreciated.
via BeBlurt:
via Wallet:
- Endorsing my Proposal:
This would allow me to surpass the burning proposal and regain the additional 1,000 BLURT from my proposal.
via BeBlurt:
via Wallet:
- Making a Difference with a Donation:
This blockchain is our community, and your donation, via a transfer to my @nalexadre account with "donation" in the memo, helps fuel ongoing initiatives.
Your active participation fuels these initiatives and ensures the continued growth of our Blurt community. Let's make a difference together!
Original background photo of this post by Annie Spratt on Unsplash
Heheh, when I asked this question a few days ago, I made a rough guess of the BP in active accounts: 200k. Not bad!
Interesting to note it's about half the total supply of BLURT. I'm curious to see what other numbers you can dig up.
" much truly belongs to active accounts?"
The money in inactive accounts also "truly belongs" to the owner. Even if the only known holder of the keys dies, or loses the keys, the money doesn't become the property of anyone else. In some cases, that means tokens will sit motionless for months, years, or effectively forever. Nothing we can do about that.
Whether it's someone who missed out on the creation of the Blurt blockchain, has passed away, who isn't paying attention to Blurt, or even Steem's ghost accounts, basically these are someone's wallet and will remain so ad vitam aeternam, so touching these wallets to burn their contents is like touching someone's account and burning their BLURT.
Regarding exchange accounts, I consider them as an extension of the exchange on the BLURT blockchain rather than someone's account. The client accounts of the exchange are centrally located on its own servers. Burning BLURT from the airdrop on exchange accounts, however, doesn't dismiss the question of how an exchange like Probit, for example, which is our only legitimized through its listing on CoinMarketCap and Coingecko gateway to the world of other cryptocurrencies, might perceive this gesture and how it could impact its trust in the security of its BLURT on the Blurt blockchain. Additionally, any exchange potentially wanting to list BLURT on its platform might be deterred. Such a complex choice, if executed, must be done in a very professional way, be very rigorous in the selection of accounts, and meet certain strict criteria in its implementation, such as a multi-channel advance pedagogical and highly informative notice schedule before its implementation.
On the other hand, there is the question of the security of the Blurt blockchain itself in the event that an exchange like Bittrex which is closing down sees one of its employees leave with the keys.
Of course, it would be preferable for the Exchanges themselves to send their BLURT to @null, but unfortunately, we don't live in an ideal world hahaha.
I wonder how opposed everyone would be to something like a dead-man switch, wherein after x time (a year? 10 years?) an account that has been completely inactive for that entire time will "volunteer" to have their Blurt burned. This is probably a moot point anyway since nobody with those stale wallets agreed to that to begin with, but I am curious to hear you take on it.
Forfeit the ignored airdrops, even a a lot of people would feel bad if their gifts to somebody is snobbed.
BLURT token only reached about 3 cents a few years ago because of Werner. So We might not see the price of single BLURT token to even reach 1 cent.
More users will get attracted even if the price reaches at a stable one cent. Then the fact that this blockchain is a bit harder to join in because of the pay to play mechanism to avoid spam is still a pressing issue in my view.
Potential users from sister blockchains are also coerced by big whales from using the Blurt community.
Quality content … Beauty is in the eye of the Beholder.
Indeed, you are correct- beauty is subjective.
There is also a vector of 'beauty' (suggesting there is an underlying, human consensus on some kind of 'objective' beauty)
If you line up the world top photo models, against the overweight beach whales - there would - generally - be a consensus of which group are more beautiful.
Unless you're aiming for the ultra small niche market of those with a fetish for beach whales, you aim to attract the wider vector of millions - who have a group consensus of what is seen as 'beautiful'...
Cryptoholics and coders are 'the niche fetish', market - while feigning an interest in looking at the bevvy of beauties on the photo shoot. The rest of the world watches the models and ignores the fetish market. Whether the fetish market is large enought to sustain an economy, is the question.
(the reasons behind this, is a whole other subject)
The facts and figures - and the dismal evolution of DPoS over this last five years - would suggest not.
It would suggest something else entirely...That DPoS social media, is ugly.
Quality content is not just a question of beauty, which is indeed subjective (although it's also strongly influenced by the environment in which you grew up), but also of its form as well as the engagement it generates. Relevance, depth of content, information it provides, and originality are also part of quality.
Quality content is generally content you remember more than 15 minutes after seeing it hahaha
Yeah. I think Blurtbooster does a very good job of curation.
It might seem like I'm late to this post... but it's never too late to get to the good stuff! and posts like this are a gem in every way.
I want to take this moment to thank you for all the support provided, unconditionally. It is not every day that you find people willing to lend a hand even without knowing us and help us grow within the platform and I will always be grateful for that.
That's why I took on the task of voting for you and giving you my first vote; I feel that it is the least I can do and it is also a pleasure to collaborate with you.
A warm and cordial hug from my beautiful and beloved Cuba. thanks for everything. I want you to know that I greatly value your work and dedication.
We hope that many of our great blurt platforms will advance inshallah.We will all continue to work hard to make this platform a success.You must help us.
Excellent work. Lots of Information to absorb. Maybe it would be good to burn all the Blurt that has been sitting dormant for 3 years ? 200 million Blurt is better than 521 Million Blurt.
Makes Blurt more rare. More Valuable ….. like rare earth minerals. Let’s do a little Alchemy … and Turn Blurt from Lead to Gold. Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh…
Thanks for the support to my witness 😊 I don't think you can burn everything as explained in this comment. If we could just deal with the exchanges that haven't forwarded the airdrop to their customers, we'd already be solving more than 50% of the problem, given that they represent more than 166 million BLURTs (quick calculation, so the real figure is slightly higher).
Good job 💥💥💥

Thanks for the support to my witness 😊
Congratulations, your post has been curated by @r2cornell, a curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.
amazing, verry goods
Just curious, what conditions must be met to be considered an "active" account?
Are bots considered "active accounts" too?
What about people who peruse the blogs and/or buy Blurt, but never post, curate, or vote?
Hey. I'm going to simplify my old idea of using Blurt Blockchain to monetize websites. Here's the plan:
rss feed url | verification link (link from monetized website to | blurt account | default tag, tag1 | beneficiary1(website owner account, 94%), beneficiary2(can be my account, e.g.: 1%), beneficiary2(additional account, e.g. null 5%)
For single url feed this is very easy to do using nodejs, and simple link verification function
but I have a problem with multiple rss, I would like to store all feeds on a txt file, for example in this format, one feed one line
feed url | verification link | account | default tag, tag1 | beneficiary1, beneficiary2
feed url | verification link | account | default tag, tag1 | beneficiary1, beneficiary2
feed url | verification link | account | default tag, tag1 | beneficiary1, beneficiary2
Do you have any ideas how to do this? I understand that finding a solution and putting everything together may take a few hours, so I would be happy to pay you for the work, as long as you are interested in writing this script.
Hi @mariuszkarowski, first, Happy New Year! I'll take a look, but it doesn't seem complicated (combining
and a memory array to manage the multiple RSS). Using @monetizer as the posting authority is the best choice (far better than using users' keys). This week, I need to finish an update for Nexus, so I'll take the time to think about it this weekend. Do you have a GitLab account? If not, how about GitHub? Don't hesitate to contact me by DM on Discord if needed.Happy New Year, I will find you on discord