Instablurt - A Bouquet of Flowers

in blurlatam •  7 months ago 
How does it feels when you receive a bundle of flowers from someone? To be honest, the flowers was given to the new baby born, Yesan , the premature baby who was born in earlier stage of 6.5 months. But because of modern

medical technologies, the incubator completed the missing part of his heart. He is surviving and growing by the power of God Amen!

For a reason, many well-wisher coming to our house. What I meant to say is my employer's house. It made me busy for 1 month but it made me happy too. I got some subject for my blogs. It is that I consider a blessing in disguise. We got chocolates, cookies , foods and flowers everyday.





Every time they received flowers, I am making hack how it would stay longer and still looking fresh even it is already 1 week. I change the water everyday and cut the twig everytime I changed water. Add 1 tablespoon of sugar into the flower vase with a warm or Luke warm water. If you try this, you will see how it works.

This is my quick post of today because we have a lot of visitors coming everyday. Have a great day and night to all of you.

Blurt to the Moon!


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