What is the economic problem?

in blurd •  3 years ago 

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If we put aside the smokescreen of terminological and classical complexities and look at them as simple, straightforward and general, we can easily understand the true nature of human economic problems. How to provide for the basic necessities of life for all human beings while continuing the course of evolution and progress of society; How every human being in the society can be developed according to his / her abilities and qualifications and how his / her personality can be developed and enabled to reach the pinnacle of qualifications, in fact that is the essence of human economic problems.

In ancient times the livelihood of human beings was as simple and complex as the livelihood of animals. Scattered throughout this earth of Allah were the boundless means of subsistence. The provision of sustenance was more abundant than the necessities of every creation. Everyone would go out in search of their livelihood and collect it from the treasures of the earth. No one had to pay for it. The livelihood of one creation was not even under the control of another creation.

The condition of human beings in ancient times was almost like this. At that time, people used to go out and collect their necessary livelihood from the treasures of nature. These ruji were fruit-catching and hunting animals. At that time people used to cover their bodies with natural materials. Wherever he saw an opportunity in the heart of the world, he would make a place for his head.

But God did not create man to live in this state for long. Allah has instilled in man such creative talents and aspirations which have led him to abandon the ordinary and individual way of life and adopt the process of socialized living and to use his natural resources to improve his living conditions. The natural desire for a lasting relationship between a man and a woman, the long-term dependence of a human child on a parent, the deep affection for one's offspring and offspring, and the love for one's blood relatives are inherent in human nature to force people to live together. .

In the same way, instead of being satisfied with naturally produced materials, produce food through agriculture, make industrial garments for oneself instead of covering one's body with foliage, build houses without being satisfied with being in caves and iron stones, wood without being satisfied with physical equipment to meet one's needs. The construction of machinery with the help of As a result of this, people have gradually become socialized. It is not a human crime; Rather this was the claim of human nature and the will of the Creator.

With the advent of social life, certain things became essential for human beings. Those things areঃ

Gradually the demand for human resources increased. Each person was unable to meet all his own needs. As a result, some needs of one became related to others and some needs of others became related to him and people became dependent on each other.

It is necessary to introduce the system of exchange of essential commodities of life. A means of gradual exchange.

The invention and transport of equipment for the manufacture of essential commodities was improved, and through thought research people began to discover new things and benefit from them.

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