Very valuable words.

in blurd •  3 years ago 

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It is said in the hadith that the people of heaven will have no regrets in heaven except a pity. The time spent in the world forgetting Allah will continue to be regretted for neglect. Heaven is the name of that eternal abode, where there will be little misery, even deprivation. But one thing will remain regret. Alas, it creates anguish. This grief will continue. That may not be true of everyone. But in the case of those, the existence of this pain is true.

If we look for the cause of this regret, it can be understood from the narration of Hadith. The people of heaven will think that the sight of God is the best blessing of all the blessings of heaven. They will not feel any greater satisfaction than seeing Allah Ta'ala. And not everyone will see God for an equal amount of time. The more he remembers Allah in the life of this world, the more time he will have the privilege of seeing Allah. So those who get a chance to see less time will probably regret it.

Those who decide to live on the basis of Tawheed, Prophethood and the Hereafter strive to establish the dominion of Allah and the leadership of the Prophet in human society. And as a result of this struggle, he hopes for success in the Hereafter. This decision molds their character in a special way. As a result, they naturally try to control the nafs.

In any case, whether you are active in the Islamic movement or not, you must wish for liberation in the Hereafter. Then give the mind a positive job. Do not allow the mind to be a vain employee of Iblis. Success in this world and in the Hereafter is inevitable if you are able to protect your mind from Iblis.

Remember, this struggle against Iblis must continue till death. There is no way to stop this struggle. However, it is not impossible for Iblis to be defeated gradually by the grace of Allah as a result of long practice.

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