No way of youth decay

in blurd •  3 years ago 

images - 2022-01-30T013349.029.jpeg
We are now living in a declining society. The last consequence of a secular separatist and partisan society, devoid of the regulatory function of values ​​and morality, is decay, decay and decay.

The human race is the victim of degradation The strongest part is the youth society. History of the whole world They have an undeniable role in the composition. These are the artisans of creation, Prometheus of destruction.

A new renaissance is taking place in the world. The emptiness of the secular civilized society that has developed in the world of Renaissance has already been revealed and it is getting bigger as the days go by.

In spite of the money-sky-scraping civilization, the horizon-shattering culture and the boundless excellence in knowledge science, the cry of a helpless afflicted is coming out of the chest of Gaeta Europe, America. Europe today is like Frankenstein himself, a prisoner of his own creation, crying out for his release but not free.

The youth community is central to the whole of human civilization, including Europe and America
Introduction. Today the youth society is the most degraded. A young man who is always active does not have to be inactive.

Either he will rise in the joy of creation or he will rise in the madness of destruction. Everyone is feeling a strong urge to save the youth community lost in the cycle of decay.

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