
in blog •  3 years ago 


Menghilangkan rasa ragu? Bagaimana caranya supaya tidak ragu adalah jangan ragu. dengan kalau masih ragu bagaimana ? rasa ragu jangan dimatikan karena rasa ragu itu baik itu membuat kita hati-hati apakah waktu kita dinasihatkan jangan ragu itu tidak ragu-ragu tidak tetap ada keraguan tetapi dihitung dengan lebih baik sehingga kita laksanakan kenapa kalau menuruti keraguan lebih banyak dalam kehidupan ini yang meragukan daripada meyakinkan sehingga orang yang bilang tidak akan bertindak kalau ragu nggak akan pernah bertindak. para pembenci , pernah,penanam rasa was-was mereka ahli sekali untuk membuat kita kehilangan rasa percaya diri . Rasa ragu kita sikapi sebagai rahmat ya kalau ragu kita sikapi sebagai rahmat nanti timbul reaksi lebih baik yaitu bersiap-siap menghindari pergaulan dengan orang-orang pesimis , ragu yang tidak boleh itu ragu-ragu yang telah terbukti sebagai tanda jadi ada ragu-ragu jadi contohnya dulu pernah mau percaya seseorang ada perasaan ragu ternyata ketipu ,mau membeli sesuatu ada merasa ragu-ragu dibeli ketipu , perasaan ragu yang sebetulnya adalah statistik dalam diri dalam ingatan kita bahwa feeling rasa pertama telah kita langgar di dalam setiap orang ada rasa pertama dan kemudian terbukti merugikan kita itu menjadi keraguan dan keraguan yang seperti itu harus dihormati yang orang sebut insting .


Eliminate doubt? How not to doubt is not to doubt. with if you are still in doubt, how can doubt not be turned off because doubt is good it makes us careful whether when we are advised don't doubt it does not hesitate there is no doubt but it is calculated better so that we carry it out why if we obey more doubts in the future This life is doubtful rather than convincing so people who say they won't act when in doubt will never act. haters, once, growers of anxiety they are very good at making us lose confidence. We treat doubt as a blessing, yes, if in doubt we treat it as a blessing, there will be a better reaction, that is, be prepared to avoid association with pessimistic people. Doubt that shouldn't be hesitating has been proven as a sign so there is hesitation, so for example I used to want to believe in someone, I had a feeling of doubt that I was cheated. I wanted to buy something. I felt hesitant, I was bought by a cheat. The feeling of doubt is actually a statistic in our memories that we have violated the first feeling in everyone, there is a first taste and then it is proven. to our detriment it becomes doubt and such doubt must be respected which people call instinct.

의심을 없애라? 의심하지 않는 방법은 의심하지 않는 것입니다. 당신이 여전히 의심하고 있다면 어떻게 의심이 꺼지지 않을 수 있습니까? 의심은 좋은 것이기 때문에 우리를 조심하게 만듭니다. out 왜 우리가 미래에 더 많은 의심에 순종한다면 이 삶은 확신보다 의심스럽기 때문에 의심할 때 행동하지 않겠다고 말하는 사람은 절대 행동하지 않을 것입니다. 증오하는 사람들, 한때 불안을 키우는 사람들은 우리가 자신감을 잃게 만드는 데 매우 능숙합니다. 우리는 의심을 축복으로 여기고, 의심이 가는 것을 축복으로 생각하면 더 나은 반응, 즉 비관적인 사람들과의 교제를 피할 준비가 되어 있을 것입니다. 징조 그래서 망설임이 있어서 예를 들어 누군가를 믿고 싶었고 속았다는 의심이 들었다 무엇인가 사고 싶었다 망설이다 사기꾼에게 사줬다 의심의 감정 사실 모든 사람의 첫 느낌을 어겼다는 것은 기억 속의 통계이고, 첫 맛은 있다가 증명된다.


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