Kecewa yang menguatkan

in blog •  3 years ago 


Apakah orang baik lebih sering dikecewakan daripada orang jahat tahu kenapa karena yang bertanya orang baik tidak tahu bahwa orang jahat lebih sering dikecewakan tapi orang jahat tidak pernah cerita dia kecewa karena dia cerita nanti ketahuan kalau dia bukan orang baik orang baik.
Orang baik itu selalu kecewa dan cerita karena dia orang baik merasa bahwa kehidupan ikut tidak adil bahkan dia merasa berprasangka kepada Tuhan dalam saat hal-hal buruk terjadi pada orang baik seperti tidak ada keburukan yang terjadi kepada orang jahat , orang baik memang akan kecewa karena di dalam hidupnya dia harus bertemu dengan banyak orang sampai kenal orang baik sehingga dalam proses itu dia akan kecewa seperti jalan bisnis akan kecewa ketipu kejeblos , salah investasi sampai ketemu yang pas partner yang baik , anak muda patah hati tertipu kecewa sampai ketemu pasangan hidupnya yang terbaik jadi jangan kecil hati kalau sedang kecewa karena itu cara Tuhan membuat kita kurang stok orang tidak baik dalam kehidupan kita. berapa sering berapa banyak dan berapa rentang waktu dalam kehidupan kita yang kita gunakan untuk kecewa karena banyak orang salah dalam satu hal berharap salah kecewa tidak memperbaiki diri sehingga berharap dengan cara yang salah kepada orang yang salah kecewa begitu ceritanya berharap kepada orang yang salah dengan cara yang salah kecewa . Khalil Gibran : deritamu itu adalah robeknya bungkus kulit cangkang yang membungkus pengertian jadi pengertian dibungkus yang kecewa begini pecahan sakit hati itu selalu membuka pengertian selalu jadi ada sesuatu yang indah yang tidak kita lihat lihat waktu sakit hati tapi tidak memperbaiki diri tidak belajar sehingga apa karena Tuhan penyayang ulangi sakitnya seperti orang yang tidak belajar hanya asal jawab berapa banyak orang yang bertanya asal jawab yang akan kecewa terus kenapa tidak ada nasehat yang menjadikannya berubah yang ada adalah nasehat yang membuatnya lebih banyak bertanya lebih banyak pertanyaan banyak sekali orang yang hidupnya lamban tidak berubah karena setiap jawaban digunakan sebagai bahan membuat pertanyaan , robeknya cangkang pecahnya kencang yang membungkus pengertian itu disebut sakit hati kecewa sebagai anak muda kalau sakit hati kecewa tapi kalau kita belajar untuk melihat dirinya kecewa lalu keluarlah bilang kamu ketipu lagi berarti kamu percaya tentang hal yang sama kamu dinasehati untuk menguatkan diri kamu .


Do good people get disappointed more often than bad people know why because those who ask good people don't know that bad people are more often disappointed but bad people never talk about being disappointed because they will find out later that they are not good people, good people. A good person is always disappointed and tells stories because he is a good person who feels that life is unfair, even he feels prejudiced against God when bad things happen to good people like nothing bad happens to bad people, good people will be disappointed because in in his life he has to meet a lot of people until he gets to know good people so that in the process he will be disappointed like the business road will be disappointed and cheated, wrong investments until he finds the right partner, young people are heartbroken and disappointed until they meet the best life partner so Don't be discouraged if you're disappointed because that's God's way of making us less stock of bad people in our lives. how often and how many times in our lives do we use to be disappointed because many people are wrong in one way, hoping to be wrong, being disappointed, not improving, so hoping in the wrong way for the wrong person, is disappointed when the story is hoping for the wrong person in the wrong way. wrong disappointed. Khalil Gibran: Your suffering is the tearing of the shell that wraps understanding, so understanding is wrapped in disappointment like this, the broken pieces of heartache always open up understanding, so there is always something beautiful that we don't see when we are hurt but don't improve ourselves, we don't learn, so what's because of God love, repeat the pain like people who don't learn just to answer, how many people ask as long as they answer they will be disappointed, why is there no advice that makes them change, there is advice that makes them ask more questions, there are so many people whose lives are slow and don't change because every answer is used as material for making questions, the tearing of the shell, the tight rupture that encloses the understanding is called heartache, disappointed as a young child, if it hurts to be disappointed, but if we learn to see ourselves disappointed and then come out saying you were cheated again, it means that you believe in yourself. g the same thing you are advised to strengthen yourself.

착한 사람이 나쁜 사람보다 더 자주 실망하는 이유는 좋은 사람에게 묻는 사람은 나쁜 사람이 더 자주 실망한다는 것을 모르기 때문에 나쁜 사람은 나중에 자신이 좋은 사람이 아니라는 것을 알게 될 것이기 때문에 실망에 대해 이야기하지 않기 때문입니다. 좋은 사람들. 좋은 사람은 인생이 불공평하다고 느끼기 때문에 항상 실망하고 이야기를 하고, 나쁜 사람에게는 나쁜 일이 일어나지 않는 것처럼 좋은 사람에게 나쁜 일이 일어나면 신에 대한 편견을 느끼더라도 좋은 사람은 실망할 것이기 때문이다. 인생에서 그는 좋은 사람들을 알게 될 때까지 많은 사람들을 만나야 하며 그 과정에서 그는 실망하게 될 것이고, 그 과정에서 비즈니스 길에 실망하고 속임을 당하고, 올바른 파트너를 찾을 때까지 잘못된 투자, 젊은 사람들은 가슴이 아플 것입니다. 그리고 그들이 최고의 인생 파트너를 만날 때까지 실망합니다. 그래서 당신이 실망하더라도 낙심하지 마십시오. 그것이 우리 삶에서 나쁜 사람들의 비중을 줄이는 하나님의 방법이기 때문입니다. 많은 사람들이 한 방향으로 틀리고, 틀리기를 바라고, 실망하고, 개선되지 않고, 그래서 엉뚱한 사람에게 엉뚱한 길을 바라고 있기 때문에 우리는 얼마나 자주 그리고 얼마나 많은 시간을 우리의 삶에서 실망하는 데 사용합니까? 이야기는 잘못된 방법으로 잘못된 사람을 기대하고 있습니다. 칼릴 지브란: 당신의 고통은 이해를 감싸고 있는 껍질을 찢는 것이므로 이해는 실망에 싸여 있고, 상심의 부서진 조각은 항상 이해를 열어, 그래서 우리가 상처받을 때 우리가 보지 못하는 아름다운 것이 항상 있습니다. 하지만 스스로를 개선하지 않고 배우지 않는 이유는 무엇입니까 하나님의 사랑은 대답만 배우지 않는 사람처럼 고통을 반복합니다 얼마나 많은 사람들이 대답하는 동안 실망할 것입니까? 그들을 변화시키는 조언은 없고 더 많은 질문을 하게 만드는 조언이 있고 모든 대답이 질문의 재료로 사용되기 때문에 삶이 느리고 변하지 않는 사람들이 많습니다. 껍질이 찢어지고, 이해를 둘러싸고 있는 단단한 단절은 마음의 상처, 어린 시절의 실망, 실망하는 것이 마음 아프지만, 우리가 실망한 자신을 보고 또 속았다는 사실을 알게 된다면, 그것은 당신이 자신을 믿는 것입니다. g 당신이 자신을 강화하기 위해 조언하는 것과 같은 것.


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