Apakah sedih itu indah?

in blog •  3 years ago 


Kesedihan adalah perasaan yang ceritanya sakitnya sama indahnya dengan cinta sama indahnya dengan kebahagiaan sama indahnya dengan hadiah itu sama dengan orang yang menemukan kenikmatan dalam kesedihannya karena menangis itu indah enak menangis itu sendiri sebuah sebuah pelepasan seperti ketawa juga sebuah penempatan orang-orang yang berbadan menikmati kesedihan memilih kenikmatan dari menangis daripada bergembira pengertian pertama adalah bahwa orang bersedih sering tidak bisa keluar karena dia menemukan kenikmatan dalam kesedihannya karena dia habis itu coba perasaan itu sudah lebih enak lagi mencoba setia sudah melepaskan diperlakukan tidak adil untuk selalu memberikan alasan yang semakin membengkak karena kalau kita melihat ada orang berperilaku begitu sadari kita tidak boleh seperti itu .
Cara paling sederhana kalau
sedang bersedihh menjadi dua orang jadi kalau satu orang dia tidak bisa selamat, orang bersedih yang sebagai satu orang tidak bisa selamat harus muncul orang kedua yang menghormati namanya kan tidak semua orang sudah menunggu kan penghormatan kepada namanya ,banyak orang sembarangan dengan dirinya seperti orang lain , kamu juga harus beriman dan smart lalu berserah kepada tuhan berdoa sebelum memulai minta tuntunan dalam proses lalu menyerahkan hasil kepada Tuhan yang dan berdialog dengan diri saat sedang sedih sedang kecewa atau marah .


Sadness is a feeling whose story hurts as beautiful as love is as beautiful as happiness as beautiful as a gift it's the same as a person who finds pleasure in his sadness because crying is beautiful it's good to cry itself a release like laughter is also a placement of people who are physically enjoying sadness choose pleasure from crying over joy the first understanding is that sad people often can't get out because they find pleasure in their sadness because they're exhausted try that feeling it's even better trying to be loyal has let go of being treated unfairly for always giving excuses that get bloated because if we see someone behave so realize we should not be like that. The simplest way if being sad becomes two people so if one person he can't survive, a sad person who as one person can't be saved must appear a second person who respects his name right not everyone has been waiting for respect to his name, many people are careless with themselves like other people, You also have to be faithful and smart and then surrender to God to pray before starting to ask for guidance in the process and then submit the results to God and have a dialogue with yourself when you are sad, disappointed or angry.


슬픔은 이야기가 아름다운 고통 행복이 선물처럼 아름다운 감정 우는 것이 아름답기 때문에 내면의 쾌락을 즐기는 사람과 같다 우는 것 자체가 오프닝이자 즐기는 사람들의 배치다 즐기는 것 행복해지는 것보다 첫 번째 이해는 사람들이 종종 기쁨을 누리지 못하는 이유는 그가 부족하기 때문에 즐기지 않는다는 것입니다. 충성하려고 노력하는 것이 훨씬 더 낫습니다. 사람들이 행동하도록 하기 때문에 개선되기 때문에 즐기는 것이 항상 공정하지는 않습니다. 그렇게 보이지 않습니다. 가장 간단한 방법이라면 두 사람이기에 한 사람이 할 수 없으면 한 사람이 한 사람이 되고 두 번째 사람이 그 이름을 찬양할 수 없어 모두가 깨어날 때까지 기다리면 안 된다 많은 사람들이 다른 사람처럼 다른 사람과 함께 행복함을 느끼고, 당신은 또한 슬플 때, 실망할 때 또는 화가 날 때 결과를 하나님께 제출하기 시작하기 전에 그리고 대화를 시작하기 전에 기도하기 시작하기 전에 믿고 현명하게 그리고 나서 기도하기 위해 굴복해야 합니다.

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