Reward Pool Sadomasochist - Technical Difficulties with the Mechanics of Blurt

in blog •  3 years ago 

I forgot to add Blurt into my crypto social routine yesterday, I would like to formal issue an apology to all 15 fans. This blog will be popping.

On this note.

Is there a post limit or a reward pool abuse type of thing I want to look out for?

Just because there is now no downvote, doesnt mean I need to become some kind of starved hyena and pump all my liquid blurt into the null wallet...

Complimentary Meme

This meme has been provided for you enjoyment but is in no way owned by the author.


Yesterdays News

I had intended to talk about In Flames yesterday, it was just their 24th anniversary since they released Whoracle, if you aren't into Gothenburg Death-Metal you wouldn't get it though, this album was very important to a small subgenre of heavy metal music. I didn't end up posting it so I will just give it an honorable mention a day late now.

The hash browns I have conceived for this mornings endeavors have drawn my attention to this blog to a close for today.



In Flames:
Whoracle Social Media Links:

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  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Good question. Original Content is King. Blurt loves original content. It can be posted in other places but people should not steal or “borrow” other people’s photos without a source link. Sometimes people make mistakes and are forgiven. Sometimes people just steal other people’s photos from Instagram. Those people are not forgiven and not upvoted. Original content is always the best.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I just typically share my views on current events, technically i would get more credit doing a vlog but i prefer typing because I am audit my words better to be punctual and stay on topic since I try to cover stuff within the last 48 hours.

Occasional deep dives I do is where most my followers in past social media have come from.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I don’t think there is a limit. Maybe 10 ? After a while you don’t get as many votes as your followers might run out of Voting power ? The most important thing is to be a real person with original content. You can share that content everywhere but at least be a real human being. #blurtlove

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

1 blog a day is a pretty hard cap, blogging more than that is definitely too much time for me, I was trying to blog on hive and here until my power down is done on hive, but even that was pressing my time.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Once a day is perfect. Quality over Quantity is always a good rule of thumb.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

"No, it was genetically engineered that way! It just mutates into Kaos."

There are no dictatorships here. One produces what one wants with the accompanying expectations that come with it in regards to

  • is there an audience

  • if posting multiple times daily, can those who vote for me spare multiple votes a day, especially if dialogue is a result where votes can materialize there.

There are a myriad amount of things that can influence ones support such as some might not appreciate constant cashing out, or placing other oppressive chains as a higher priority, or not interacting with the engagement ones posts produce etc. All of those things however are personal choice by the voter and has zero influence on anyone else voting. True freedom.

If one doesn't like something they are free to not vote and move on, or express their disagreement and if from a weak position be countered with a stronger position solidifying the authors views to onlookers. No down voting, no dictators, just everyone free to act with their stake as they wish without being able to negate anyone elses stake.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Makes sense to me, I didnt have much to blog about this week lol I can see this post was a good place to leave it until I have something cool to talk about.

I definitely dont just post memes, I do that shit on social media 1.0 where i shitpost about crypto all day and troll accountants lol