So, You Like, Go Naked All the Time?

in blog •  3 years ago 

Sleeping is one of the things many people do au naturel… it probably does not make them nudist though.

You might think that I'm a big proselytizer for nudism just because I write a blog about it. Honestly, I rarely share my naturist tendencies with anyone. There are various reasons for this, as anyone who is a naturist or embraces some other alternative lifestyle can tell you. Some things are better shared with a few and not the many. And really, I’m not out to “convert” people. Do what you want and let me do what I want.

The few friends that do know have typically responded with positivity. It’s usually a response like “So what, you like, go naked all the time? Oh, that’s cool.” and then back to normal conversation. I am not sure it really registers with them what they just said.

Is it all the time? For me, yes. As much as possible. Inside and out. As soon as I get in the door it’s all off. When I was living in the hills with no one around it was outside, all around the "yard". When the fence in my yard was up, it was back there as well. All day, erry day.

There are some nudists who stick to a “weekends and holidays” type nudism. These folks only strip off at clubs on weekends or on vacations. At home they always wear clothes except for “normal” naked situations like showers or sex.

These people are weird to me. Almost as weird to me as those who wear clothes in a clothing optional area. I mean really? You have the choice and you still wear clingy fabric? What is up with that?!

I honestly don’t know enough nudists to know what the norm is. I have heard my preference level called “naturism” and their preferences called “nudism” by those who are real strict about definitions. I’m not sure I would stick to such a rigid demarcation. I consider myself both. Interchangeably.

I don’t think my friends realize just how much I am nude. I think they also have a tendency to forget. Every time it comes up it’s like the topic has never been breached. So take note all you closet nudists/naturists out there: people have short memories. Even if you tell them, they will probably forget. Because it’s not a big deal.

And yes. Being a nudist really is as simple as removing your clothes and enjoying the experience. Whether you limit it to weekend visits to the local club or beach or you live nekkid all day erry day, you can call yourself a nudist and be just fine.

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