Daily ramblings about life and stuff. #500wordsaday

in blog •  4 years ago 


Ref: Pixabay

It’s been a while since my five hundred words a day was based solely on my inane ramblings about what has gone on during the day.

On that note, welcome into my mind.

Just kidding, that shit isn’t getting posted on an immutable blockchain to be used against me at a future stage.

That would just be silly.

Those thoughts stay inside my head where plausible deniability is everything.

If I don’t remember it, it never happened!!!

That phrase got me through the majority of college and thankfully there were very few camera phones at that stage to disprove my complete innocence.

Niall. did you try to ride a bin all the way home last night?

Wonders why that strange smell was coming off me this morning....

Na, definitely don’t remember doing that. Didn’t happen. Must have been someone else....!!!

See. It works in so many ways.

Thank god I was around pre youtube and smartphones. The amount of stupid shit we used to do would definitely have gotten us locked up at some stage. Most of it harmless but I’m sure most of it would be frowned upon by the police. Woops.

It’s part of growing up and knowing where the boundaries are. When you are young you have a totally different perspective of where those boundaries are and how much you can go over them by. Youth is testing those boundaries to the max and adulthood is learning when to stop doing it.

It might have taken me awhile. 30 plus years to reach adulthood, (more or less) but I did get most of the stupid stuff out of my system. It will never be entirely gone, as that is part of my personality and part of life in Ireland but there is a lot more though and sensible decisions made these days.

Partly down to covid stopping all of the fun and partly due to changing life circumstances. Getting older doesn’t mean getting old but I do have different priorities to when I was twenty.

It’s no longer about getting drunk and getting laid. It’s about enjoying the experiences and making the most of being out and seeing new things.

Sad but true.

That what becoming an adult entails.
Work, bills, friends, functions. No more holidays in magaluf and week long benders in random cities.

I suppose it happens to the best of us and is a necessary change to make unless I suddenly become a rockstar and can act like a teenager eternally without the stigma attached. Since I have never shown any talent in this regards I think that maturing is my only viable option at this stage.

It’s not so bad to be fair. There are a lot of benefits to growing up and I don’t really fancy doing a lot of the things that I used to. They were fun at the time but we all change with the times.

This really did turn into a ramble for today. Ah well, good to be able to do it.

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