COVID-19 From a Skateboarders Perspective

in blog •  4 years ago 

What's up #Skatehive Fam, how are you?

Autumn is here and man it's a strange one!

Lockdowns are happening once again in most countries around the world including Greece, the country I live in and people have once again onboarder the "Panic Express" train.

Our government has already proved that are incapable of dealing with health crisis like this one and are using Covid-19 as an excuse to force new junta laws to our society like "

  • Anyone who is outside after 12:30 get a 150E ticket
  • You MUST wear your mask when you are outside or you'll get 150E ticket

The "Covid Express"

Things are getting crazy out there guys and trust me when I say this to you. I am a skateboarder so I spend most of my time in the streets. This helps me understand what's going on much better than a folk who is reading shit from his pc screen. I see that shit.

People are angry. People are loosing their jobs. People are afraid they might die.

There was a free Covid-19 "Rapid Test" for everyone in Thessaloniki city a couple of days ago right next to the spot we usually skate and it was so crowded. People wanted to do a Rapid Test and find out if they had COVID even if they didn't have any syptoms. That's crazy right?

Here is a photo of me and my homie Paul sitting right next to the "Rapid Test" spot. Check out how long that line is.


We then started skating in this spot and at least it's not obligatory to wear a mask while you exercise outside. Or is it for some inidviduals?

Police Brutality

2 Police bikes approached us while we were skating. They asked us why we weren't wearing our masks and one guy replied that it's legal to exercise outside without wearing them.


The police didn't seem to care about the laws at all and the only thing they wanted was to do an "Authorit Show" and give tickets to all these "punks" that were having fun while people were in panic waiting to get tested for Covid right next to us.
They then fined the guy that dared to speak back at them with 150E.

One more epic thing happened the other day too. Some skaters from Athens were in Thessaloniki city for some days and were skating Aristotelous square when some police officers showed up. They asked skaters to stop skating the public square and started idendifying each one of them.

All skaters were wearing masks and were completely legal. They were just skating a public square. One officer had a different point of view though.

When one of the skaters asked the officers why they bother coming all the way here to prevent them from skating when they have much more important things to do things took the wrong turn.

The police arrested skateboarders for "insulting the authorities" and for "resisting arrest". Is this the true story though?


Here is what really happened

Police officers all around the world abused their power before Covid and now things are out of control. Police officers are paid by me and you to protect us and serve us but they now think that they are the cowboys of the city.
Fascist governments are on the rise all around the globe and that means that police brutality will become a common thing to watch from now on.

The city Through a Skateboarders Eyes

There is only 1 thing I absolutely love about this Covid-19 health crisis and it's that I can finally skate some spots that were un-skateable before cause they were too crowded.

Empty street, pavements, parks and public buildings means way more street spots for us "artists of the streets" to perform our art.

No-one isn't complaining about the noise when we skate 'cause shops are closed and no-one starts shouting at you just because you skate a public square 'cause no-one is outside 😁


Each situation has both positive and negative effects. I know it's hard for most people to focus on the positive effects of Covid since the negative ones are WAY MORE but please, take a moment and ask yourself if it's worth stressing out for things that are out of your control. I don't think it is worth it.

The world is changing in ways we couldn't imagine 5 years ago and I think that Covid is the perfect excuse for corrupted governments and politics all over the world. They are trying to make us think that this whole economic crisis happened due to Covid and not because of their incapability all these past years.

They want to make us think that the spread of Covid is peoples fault cause we are not "following the protection measures".

They decided to close bars and shops after 00:00 cause as you know, Covid spread faster after 00:00!!! Hahahaha.

Do what you love

Do not listen to anyone and keep enjoying life like you used to. Live life with your own rules as long as you do not negatively affect anyone else and don't stress a lot for stupid people and stupid rules. In the end, it's all a mind-game.

As one of my favourite artists and rappers say : Only the strong will continue

Thank you all for your support. As a full-time online hustler, supporting my content allows me to keep doing what I love.
Much love to everyone and always have fun.

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Very good - well said.
The biggest con in world history is unfolding.
This is what happens when the vast majority of people have no thinking skills whatsoever and think trust and belief will help them. Even "smart" people can be believers in authority.

Maybe is time I wrote something ;-)

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Yeah man, you feel me! I think that this is nothing in front of what will unfold in the future...

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

You experienced the psycho-cops already. Imagine every gov rep acts the same, plus the snitches turning you in. The 20th century experiment with freedom and democracy is dead - gone - over. With every agency corrupt there is only direct action - or hide - or, of course, obey and do what you're told. Just do it! ;-)