The solution for Palestine and Israel is...

in blog •  8 months ago 


There I said!

In the footsteps of the formation of the Vatican State and all the history behind such a turn of event which separated the Church from state affairs and opened up Europe to an era of progress of which we can still see the benefits to nowadays, Palestine should have a plausible chance of achieving freedom from the Jewish State.

That would require sacrificing Jerusalem from both sides!

Rendering Jerusalem autonomous would end the long conflict between these people because the issue with the Palestinians is mainly a territorial dispute and not a religious one, the jews claims it to be theirs, the muslims also but funnily enough the Christians don't and thats because in my opinion the Christians understands that it is property of all the 3 religions and it doesnt make sense for one to claim it as own.

Think about the amount of money that will be injected in that area from religious tourism only, its crazy! Probably will render it the most rich area in the world!

The real gain though will be achieving peace!!


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