Controlled Web 2.0 Is No Longer Sustainable.

in blog •  3 months ago 

Web 2.0 is centralized. Big, powerful people, right?


With a whole bunch of servers. Imagine like a building with a whole bunch of computers. That's the way Web 2.0 currently works.

Right now, it's centralized to a handful of the world, and they're connecting and colluding. And they are essentially creating land in the digital space. And they're telling people what they can and can't do.

In some cases, they're reverting transactions in people's bank accounts. We've seen this before with protesters in Canada. We see all this censorship in China..We see pretty much control over the land. Imagine if you had all the power and all the money in the land, and you can control it, and you could be like, hey, you can't do that.

If you believe in these principles, I don't believe in them, and I'm going to stop you with the flick of a wrist. See, in the physical world, you can't do that. You gotta send an army, right?

In the digital world, it's different, because if they control it, they can literally just click a button and stop you from everything right now. This is web 2.0.

So there's so much control in the land that we have no freedom over. And we have these people, these developers, that are creating a free land where that is not possible.

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