#8# The Useless Tip of the Day

in blog •  4 years ago 

...We Hellenes say the phrase "the useless tip of the day " when we try to describe something that is useful in some way to know but is irrelevant in the current situation which makes it kinda useless....

Most Usable.jpg
original drawing by @funnel.. all rights reserved..

....when you were young and innocent you 've definitely been told Cinderella's fairytale...
...whether you liked it or not ,you remember that at the end of the story everybody was happy, Cinderella forgave her step-sisters and lived happily ever after...
...you think so,huh?!....

image taken from devianart.com

...in the orginal Grimms version, firstly both her sisters CUT OFF parts of their feet in order to fit them in the fckin shoe!!!!
...stupid b i tches.....
..on the other hand this bobo-prince only notices that they're not the right girls when a dove whispers him ''there's blood dripping you fck'' (well i added some French from my own vocabulary)
....when at last this dickhead finds Cinderella, the dove pecks out stepsisters' eyes!!!.....hell yeahhhh!!!!!

...what is the moral???....
..the Prince is a schmuck ... the ultramasculine character is the Dove!!!
...but women always follow the money...
.....macho men is used only to do the dirty job....

picture taken from thedailyowl.gr

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