In this life, if you want to be rich in life, you have to create something that more people will buy daily.
So basically, every day you have to make money.
Why do you spend money every day and you have to wait at the end of every month before you receive a salary or before you make money?
You have to make money daily because money hides in people and it will always flow from that direction to you if you have something valuable to exchange for money daily.
And the second thing that I will say is don't depend on people and their promises.
If you are going to depend on people and their promises, you are going to be broke and miserable for the rest of your life.
The last thing that I will say, never depend solely on salary.
Somebody says salary is a drug they give to people for them to forget about their dreams.
Anytime you take salary, you forget about your dream.
You eat the money or you spend the money and you start looking for another money to pay your bills.
Salary cannot make anyone rich.
That is my advice.
Listen and apply.