You Need To Create A Product

in blog •  2 months ago 

Prayer can never defeat poverty. It is only scales that can defeat poverty.

The Bible says that, have you seen a man who is careful?

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That man was turned before kings. About 98% of Christians who go to church every Sunday, who pay tithe, they give offering.

They sow seeds, are broke, because they don't know how to make money. They always pray that God should open financial doors for them. They always pray that God should connect them to their destiny helper.

If you pray and you fast, and you don't have these two things, product and service to exchange for money, no matter how many hours you pray, you are going to be poor on this earth. You are going to be poor on this earth.

You need to create a product or service You need to create a product. You need to create a product or service to exchange for money. For money, money has in people and it will always flow from their direction to you.

Money hides in people, and it will always flow from their direction to you. If you can have something valuable to exchange for their money. If you can have something valuable to exchange for their money.

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