Africans Stop Running Away

in blog •  last month 

At age 40, if you travel abroad to go and hustle, you are a failure.

Why do you leave your wife and children in Africa and travel to America or Europe to go and hustle?

At age 40, if you sell your plot of land or sell your house and raise over $10,000 and give the money to a connection man to send you to America or Europe, just to go and clean toilets or take care of older people, wash bowls, do many jobs, you are a failure.

Why do you think you can only succeed if you travel abroad?

If you have been able to raise over $10,000 in Africa, then it means you can succeed in Africa.

The same economy that you are complaining, people are building houses, people are buying cars, people are doing mega projects.

So why do you think you can't succeed in Africa?

If you are failing in Africa, you need to study the laws of success that you are breaking because money hides in people and it will always flow from their direction to you.

If you have something valuable to exchange for money, you can succeed in Africa.


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