A Success Mindset

in blog •  last month 

Majority of the people in this world will never succeed.

In life it doesn't matter whether you are a christian or a muslim they will not succeed because of their thoughts about money. What you think about you become most people who are poor spend all day talking about their problems, they always meditate on their problems, they always debate their problems with their friends.

The bible says that as a man thinks in his heart so is he you are. What you think about will become your reality. If you believe life is hard life will always be hard that is why when you meet poor people they always believe they are poor and they say things like a poor man, like me, "what can I do, I have nothing to offer I come from a poor home because they believe
they are poor.

If you want to change your life, you have to change your mind you have to change
the things you think about.

You have to programmed yourself to succeed. Money is just a product of your mind and if you can change your mind you are going to succeed.


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