Three fastest ways to become poor on this earth.
Number one, blame the devil every day.
Blame witches in your family..Fast pray against the devil.
Witches, don't do anything. Always believe and have faith that God will do it. God will bless you in his own time. You'll be useless in life.
Number two, don't learn new skills.Don't read new books. Don't upgrade yourself.
Stay in that comfort zone and relax. Watch TV every day.
Go to social media and consume unnecessary content. You become useless because when you consume junk information, you always have a junk life.
If you can upgrade yourself, you are going to be successful.
If you learn new skills, you are going to be great because skills will always defeat poverty.
Number three, depend solely on your salary. If you want to be useless and miserable in life, continue to have salary.
Salary is a scam.
Salary cannot make you rich.
If you want to be rich on this planet,
you have to discover a product that you can sell to many people and make money daily.
That is how you become rich.