At age 40 how much money do you have in your bank account, how many properties do you have. Stop saying life begins at 40 so you still believe that things are going to be all right if you are still broke at age 40, I want you to master these three skills.
Master the fear of failure overcome the fear of failure the fear of failure is the reason why you are broke. At age 40 you are afraid to start something new because you think you are going to fail.
you have to forget about salary at age 40 you need to start something that you are going to leave for your children your children can always inherit your business but they can never inherit your job if you are no more.
You have to train your mind to make money daily because you spend money daily so if you spend money daily why do you have to wait at the end of every month before you earn money at age 40 don't look for a job create your own business.