RE: Update Uganda

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Update Uganda

in blog •  last year 

Wow, 15. That usually indicates a high birth rate and/or a high death rate. Sounds like it was both in Uganda's case. Babies being born, while adults are dying off.

Italy and Uganda are exactly the same size, so that doesn't seem to be the cause of Uganda's problems. I haven't learned about Idi Amin before, so I looked him up...

"During his years in power, Amin shifted from being a pro-Western ruler enjoying considerable support from Israel to being backed by Libya's Muammar Gaddafi, Zaire's Mobutu Sese Seko, the Soviet Union, and East Germany. In 1972, Amin expelled Asians, a majority of whom were Indian-Ugandans, leading India to sever diplomatic relations with his regime. As Amin's rule progressed into the late 1970s, there was increased unrest against his persecution of certain ethnic groups and political dissidents, along with Uganda's very poor international standing due to Amin's support for PFLP-EO and RZ hijackers in 1976, leading to Israel's Operation Entebbe. He then attempted to annex Tanzania's Kagera Region in 1978. The Tanzanian president Julius Nyerere ordered his troops to invade Uganda in response. Tanzanian Army and rebel forces successfully captured Kampala in 1979 and ousted Amin from power. Amin went into exile, first in Libya, then Iraq, and finally in Saudi Arabia, where he lived until his death in 2003."

Apparently there's a 2006 about him called "The Last King of Scotland". Interesting.

In any case, it doesn't sound as though the country has been able to recover from the turmoil of the 1970s. I suppose the question then become "why can't they recover after 45 years?" but perhaps that's best left for now.

Thank you for the information.

Do you have a list of ways you can accept donations? I don't have much aside from my BP, but perhaps there's a way I can contribute, or invite my followers to contribute.

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  ·  last year  ·  

Do you have a list of ways you accept donations? Apart from my BP, I don't have much, but maybe there is a way to contribute or ask my followers to donate.

The easiest way for us is to get Euros.
We often collect for a specific cause, e.g. school fees, water tanks or solar panels and then open a donation account via Paypal.
It is not worthwhile (at least from Germany) to send clothes, toys etc. because the postage is far too high. We buy everything locally.

Donations have also been collected on the blockchaines, which have helped often enough.
As a result, many children have been able to go to school and graduate in recent years.
This year, too, some pupils are taking their exams and we are paying for it.

  ·  last year  ·  

Okay, so the answer is: you accept direct transfers of BLURT, HIVE, and STEEM. I assume you also accept the other tokens found on those platforms, like SBD, HBD, and TRON?

I have a suggestion. You mentioned in this post that you aren't getting many donations. I couldn't find anything about how to actually donate. I had to ask you, and then make replies, in order to finally get an answer from you. My suggestion is stop making it so difficult for people to support your cause!

  ·  last year  ·  

Unfortunately, it's not quite that simple.
We are not an association, we are private.
In Germany, you have to pay taxes on donations above a certain amount and we can only exchange crypto to a limited extent.
That's why we have no interest in things getting too big and getting out of hand, also in terms of administration and time.
The whole thing has to remain feasible for us and we have managed this very well in recent years.
Not to forget: we also have our own lives and we don't earn any money with it.
There are no administrative costs from the donations or a salary for me.

So far, everything has been feasible for us, even the donations that came in cryptos.
The people on the blockchaines have simply joined in and got involved.
And we have always regularly opened a donation account for a specific purpose.
And for the very attentive..... above in my account is the donation account of Leetchi ( )
However, they changed their site and then all the updates were gone. That's why we prefer to do it via paypal.

We have not opened a special account for Boscos mobile.....

  ·  last year  ·  

Okay, well my PayPal is frozen because PayPal claims they are not sure I am really myself, and want me to perform various tasks in order to prove it. I already tried once and they said I failed to prove I am myself. I have had the account for 23 years and never broken any rules or anything, but now I have a lot of funds tied up in that account. They say if I fail again, they will take the funds and close my account.

But I do have 134 Tron (TRX in the Steem wallet) as a donation, if you could use it.

  ·  last year  ·  

Yes, I'll gladly take the Tron.
Thank you very much!

  ·  last year  ·  

I'd love to give them to you, but it turns out that they are not meant to be transferred. The option appears to be there, but it doesn't actually work. I should have known that would happen, since everything else about Steem, and the Tron takeover, was a complete disaster and has devolved into absolute garbage. The "transfer" option leads to a demand for a Tron private master key, which is not available. In the keys and permissions tab, there is a section that says:

"TRON Account Private Key
Please check in the PDF containing public and private keys of the TRON account."

There is no link to "the PDF" or explanation for how to find it.

Why is it so hard to send TRX? Has anyone ever successfully done it? What a useless currency. Everything to do with Tron is a scam. I can't imagine how it has risen to be one of the top 10 cryptos in the world. I've never heard of ANYONE talking about it, and I've never seen any website, business, or platform that accepts it. It is the highest ranking crypto that has zero uses and zero value.

If you know how to get these 134 TRX, you're welcome to them! But it appears they will remain in my wallet forever, just like everyone else's TRX will.

  ·  last year  ·  

The PDF was offered for download at that time.
You had to save your keys.
You probably didn't do that....

  ·  last year  ·  

No, neither a PDF nor any keys were offered at any time. What kind of idiot do you take me for?