Being an early adopter of XTM

in blog •  4 years ago 

If I could travel back in time, I'd go to 2008th to get myself a good stack of Bitcoin. It would make my life pretty simple right now. I would be able to live abundantly and improve the lives of those around me. I'd invest in promising projects and help to make the world a better place.

Although I can't go back in time, I believe being an early adopter is still a thing. Opportunities are everywhere. All you have to do is choose the right project. A project that you believe has the magical component of making the world a better place. Once you've found your project by doing a lot of research, you'll devote yourself to it.


We see this everywhere. People who really believe in what they're doing stand up for each other and move forward every day. When presented with an obstacle, these people will think of a way to overcome it. When you have a belief, you're one step closer than what it seems. Many great projects have made it thanks to a handful of people fully devoting themselves to what they're doing.

We're only at the start of the decentralization era

Even though most of us missed getting Bitcoin from completing a captcha back in the days, we shouldn't look at the past with regret. In fact, the success of Bitcoin could serve as a source of inspiration. An example that anything is possible when you're determined enough! Or when you give power to ordinary people.

Nowadays, new projects are born faster than mushrooms after rain but as you know only some of the mushrooms can be eaten more than once. Some of them are deadly. The same goes for new projects. There are projects that are nurtured and projects that are left to rot.

Torum Brings All Projects Together

I recently found a place that many HIVE bloggers already know about but not all of us are using it. It's a crypto social media platform called Torum and the slogan is - Connecting Worldwide Crypto Enthusiasts.


From the looks of it, Torum is a combination of Facebook and Linkedin but there's a great twist - it's all about the crypto industry! Furthermore, you're getting rewards in the form of XTM's (Torum's native currency) for using the platform.

What to do on Torum:

  • create posts, clans, and companies
  • complete missions (daily, weekly, one-time and special)
  • chat with others
  • follow HIVE company and join the Leo Finance clan
  • reward other users with XTM's
  • invite friends to get 75 XTM's each
  • unleash your creativity

The look inside

In the image below, you're seeing my dashboard. I'm using the dark mode but if you want to use the white one, it's possible to change it in your profile settings. I prefer the dark, though. It's easier for my eyes.

You can see that I've shared a post on my Torum feed with a quote ''beautiful''. I think it's really a nice idea and a catchy image. On the right side, you're seeing active landers who you can instantly follow.

Your profile

This is how my profile looks with the banner. I think I'll change it to something home-made pretty soon so don't be too critical. As you can see, I've joined on July 15th, 2020 but I wasn't really active at first. And I have more followers on Torum than on HIVE!


Getting rewards

Here you can see that I've collected over 1000 XTM's so far. It's not too much but my bag is constantly growing! If you're consistent, you'll have the same results because there are missions you can complete every day and if you log-in 7 days in a row, you'll get 40 XTMs. See for yourself!


The coin

XTM coin is the active currency of the Torum social network. Even though it's not listed yet, Torum has managed to acquire a crypto exchange license which means it's only a matter of time before the coin goes live and trading. In fact, there's a pre-sale going on.

The Pre-sale has managed to raise more than $140,000 and still counting


Right now, there's a pre-sale happening on where you can purchase XTM's for a price of $0.05 per XTM and get a bonus accordingly to how much you bought. Having raised more than 140K is proof that there are people who believe in this project!

Earn Without Buying

Luckily for most people, we can earn XTM's without having to invest anything except our time. For example, there's a weekly mission where you have to be consistent and come to Torum every day. Once you've done it for 7 days, you'll get 40 XTM tokens.

Then as I mentioned, you can earn tokens by commenting and sharing posts on your feed. If you're active, pretty soon you'll have yourself a nice bag of XTM tokens. Who knows what's going to happen? All I know is that the crypto industry is growing and each day more people are joining various projects all around the web.


It is always a great feeling when you discover something game-changing! For me, Torum feels like a game-changer of sorts. Even though it's not on the blockchain and doesn't have its token live, the life is flowing on Torum. Many new clans are being created. Crypto-related companies are creating their pages on Torum. People are getting invited.

It's only a matter of time before a greater amount of people join, especially those who are interested in crypto. Torum can serve as a great tool to get a new audience for your blog posts! It's an opportunity and that is the most important factor for me!


When you invite another person to join Torum, you're both getting 75 XTM's when the person verifies his e-mail and phone number so here's an invite from me! If you liked the article and you're thinking of joining, use the banner below that I created just for you!

torum banner kopija.gif


Featured photo by Mike Kononov on Unsplash

Thank you for reading and have a great day/night ahead!

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