Your daily dose of crypto news has arrived!
TOP 10 Most Active Blockchains (change 24h):
1️⃣ WAXP : 20,875,597 Op (-1%)
2️⃣ TRX : 6,677,603 Op (-0.9%)
3️⃣ EOS : 2,122,216 Op (-4%)
4️⃣ XRP : 1,911,519 Op (+12%)
5️⃣ HIVE : 1,899,868 Op (+18%)
6️⃣ BTC : 721,518 Op (-15%)
7️⃣ SCR : 621,142 Op (-21%)
8️⃣ IOST : 552,960 Op (0%)
9️⃣ LUNA : 357,471 Op (+0.8%)
🔟 FSN : 336,323 Op (+7%)
Global Market Info:
Active Cryptocurrencies: 9075
BTC Dominance: 46.3%
ETH Dominance: 18.5%
Total Marketcap: 1,176 B$
AltCoins Marketcap: 632 B$
DeFi Marketcap: 55 B$
StableCoins Marketcap: 131 B$
Could you include BLURT as special feature (we are after all on the Blurt Blockchain)? If you do this, I will include you on the BlurtBooster! 👍🍀
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