Why blockhain games are like dream come true...?

in blockhain-games •  3 years ago 

Hello everyone ,
In this blog i will share my personal opinion about blockhain games.

When i was a kid and was in school i was a hardcore gamer and use to play games alot. I remember that i was filled with a lot of craze for different types of games , though i was unable to play most of the games as i was not having a powerful CPU and GPU.

I still remember that i use to search for hours and find games that were compatible with my PC and then i use to play it. My favorite series was Prince of Persia and tomb raider.

The elders of my house use to scold me and tell me that these games will not be profitable to you in future. Study hard and become something , they were not wrong but i loved playing games.

Now in today's world that is almost 10 years from when i use to hear those lectures from many people , we are seeing small kids making their courier in blockhain games.

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People are earning hundreds and thousands of dollars every month just from playing Blockchain games. That is really awesome as while you play you earn Crypto and if you are a top player in any blockhain games present today , you will earn more than many people out there working as a service man.

So that's why blockhain games are like dream come true , many kids want to do something in it. People are learning more about blockhain and the future of blockhain is also very bright.

There were still ways to earn money from games by YouTube videos or contest of different games organised locally but that was not really a earning thing for everyone.

What blockhain games have come with open door to almost anyone who wants to play and earn money. Yes you will find games you will have to invest in but here are free to play games as well.

Anyways , what are your thoughts and blockhain games ? do you think they are like dream come true ?

That's all for the day , i will not take a rest and see you all soon tomorrow morning.

Thank you

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I had same things from my relatives saying games are bad. I loved to play price of Persia, freedom fighter, tekken.

And yes blockhain gaming is actually one that all should allow kids. Before there were not many options as career for gamers, but now there are blockhain games, websites, apps and sponsors along with tournaments.
So, basically if anyone want to jump in gaming, it's the right time to do

i totally agree with you , now the gaming world has more than game development to do with.

I last played tekken two years ago. it was tekken 7 on my laptop.

I think even the blog platforms that rewards crypto are no less then dream come true.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yes but gaming feel can not be explained. It is something different than just blogging

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Boom love crypto games you played Rising Star? that is our fav!