Enjoy Creating For Yourself

in blockchain •  3 years ago 


I noticed someone complaining about the earning from creating content, and I decided to create this funny post.

Maybe the post will not that funny, because I would like to talk about a serious topic. But I like to make it a bit humorous as you noticed from the thumbnail. I'm tired a bit to write about what's going on in the world, because we need to support other fields as well. So, let's do it. ☺

I wrote about this many posts before, but sometimes I like to share my experience again. I didn't spend more than 4 years creating content for nothing.

So, when I joined in 2017 I didn't have that much experience and I just was happy to earn something from my content. I was supported very well, then I lost that support after a fork in 2018, then I decided to be more active in dtube and I found support there, then I lost it when I stopped being a curator in dtube. Then I start looking for more support in many applications and communities and supporting @dcooperation at the same time. I was even attacked by some crazy people. I defended myself many times. I even tried to connect communities together. Now, I'm active everywhere and I will not, no matter what.

But let me explain what I learned from all this :

  • Being a content creator is not that easy.
  • Never expect always to do well.
  • Learn about what's going on.
  • Change the strategy if you are not happy.
  • Try something new in case.
  • Keep creating and commenting.
  • Do your best to power up.
  • Try to bring value.
  • Be in touch with active people.
  • Never lose hope and be powerful.

Those are the best tips I can give to those who are giving up or thinking to give up. Otherwise, I can't do anything for you.

After all, we should enjoy creating for ourselves and the rewards will come anyway if we do our best.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yes, it's important t write about what's going on in the world, and we need to know about it.

But I also think we need information such as what have shared here. We need to share our experiences and how to handle certain situations so that new people can learn from them.

When you know what can be expected and you see those other successful people before you also had to face these scenarios, it becomes easier to hang in there and keep on keeping on.

Thank you for sharing this information

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You're very welcome. Thanks for the thoughtful comment. ☺