Logging in with a blurt account - let's start with the basics.

in blockchain •  13 days ago 

by @khrom on Blurt Dev Log
View my bio on Blurt.media: https://blurt.media/c/blurt_dev_log Logging in with a blurt account - let's start with the basics.

For some time now I've been trying to create a script that would allow logging in to the panel I created with the help of a blurt account. Finally we have success. I also added a simple payment for something ;)

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Logowanie przy użyciu konta blurt - zacznijmy od podstaw.

Od jakiegoś czasu próbowałem stworzyć skrypt umożliwoający zalogownaie się do stworzonego przezemnie panelu z pomcą konta blurt. W końcu mamy sukces. dodałem również prosta płatnośc za coś ;)

Check out today's video..!

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  ·  13 days ago  ·  

An excellent video for the entry level user. Thanks Khrom!

  ·  12 days ago  ·  

e basically that's all there is for beginners what is simply a presentation of my progress in programming a user panel based on logging in with the help of a blurt account.

I want to create an application with logging in with blurt and I am currently trying to master creating scripts responsible for this process and this is my current progress ;)

  ·  12 days ago  ·  



  ·  11 days ago  ·  

It is the basics... but I don't understand it : P

  ·  11 days ago  ·  

simple input field to enter nickname. As you enter, you confirm with keys from Whale vault. Then you are transferred to the panel only for logged in users. then you have a link to payment in the panel and a pay button. and then go back to the panel and log out.