Let that sink in a little bit...
If bitcoin continues to follow the trend it's been on since it was created you can expect it to have a major dip after it's next halving...
The interesting thing is that this dip will be to about $100k or so.
Check out the trend:
1513811759974465537/photo/1) twitter metadata:Q3J5cFRvb21hc3x8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9DcnlwVG9vbWFzL3N0YXR1cy8xNTEzODExNzU5OTc0NDY1NTM3L3Bob3RvLzEpfA== ~~~
Bitcoin has never broken the prior high of the halving cycle, which was $20k prior to the current cycle.
I go with your submission. There's something big actually coming