Bitcoin's price is now the furthest away from the Stock To Flow Model price it has been in 4 years
If the Stock to Flow Model is still accurate, the price of bitcoin has never really been cheaper.
The price of bitcoin is the furthest away from it's model price than it's been in roughly 4 years:
1409494952577482752/photo/1) twitter metadata:Q3J5cHR1TWljaE5MfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL0NyeXB0dU1pY2hOTC9zdGF0dXMvMTQwOTQ5NDk1MjU3NzQ4Mjc1Mi9waG90by8xKXw= ~~~
Which means...
Bitcoin is technically cheaper than any other point in the last 4 years right here around $30k.
Let that sink in for a bit...
I’m buying Bitcoin and Blurt like crazy.
When is Blurt going to go up?
Very soon….. Actually it goes up And down every day. So I make $$$$ every day.