A break of the downtrend would be nice...

in bitcoin •  3 years ago 

If bitcoin can break this line, it should have a nice rally to follow

Bitcoin has been down down down for much of the last week.

Pretty much ever since it hit $41k the week prior, we have gone nothing but down.

If we can break this downtrend line though, I'd feel good about the price action in the near term:



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In the medium and long term I already feel good about the price as I think we will end the year and next several years much higher than this.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Oh wow, getting pretty close to that 20K! We had a good bounce today, I started buying a little on the dip again. I finally had to quit hive too, the downvote gang finally went after me too.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

They run everyone off so they get more... that's their MO.