Which BTC pattern will repeat?

in bitcoin •  2 years ago 

I am guessing the future looks like 2015 from here...

I do think bitcoin will eventually turn bullish, but not right away.

I think we will stop going down, in fact I think we have already stopped going down.

Then from there we will go sideways for a bit, possibly a while, with small rips followed by dips and the price not really going anywhere.

Then after a period of time of sideways action, we will eventually break to the upside again, probably around the time the next halving makes an appearance.

You can see the action I am talking about in the chart below:



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Historically, the price has bottomed roughly a year before the halving, which is more or less where we will be in April of this year.

The next halving is currently projected to happen in late April 2024.

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