If history repeats...
Sounds crazy right now, but bitcoin looks like it's going to go sideways for a bit here then bull market.
We might even retest the lows for a bit like in 2015...
Something like this:
1558185008384413698/photo/1) twitter metadata:U3RvY2ttb25leUx8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vU3RvY2ttb25leUwvc3RhdHVzLzE1NTgxODUwMDgzODQ0MTM2OTgvcGhvdG8vMSl8 ~~~
Then it's raging bull time!
Well after a bit of consolidation that may take a few months... but it's all relative
Very interesting chart !