In Debt we Trust...

in bitcoin •  2 years ago 

The global financial system is on the brink of collapse... and that's exactly why bitcoin was created

Long ago, the dollar used to say in God we trust.

Technically it still says that, but God has been taken out of everything long ago, especially the money.

A more accurate description would be to say in debt we trust...



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The debt system works as long as interest rates never rise to an unsustainable level.

Unfortunately, we could be in the early stages of whitnessing such a rise.

As it stands now the US is on the brink of shipping 1/3rd of it's year tax revenue to bond holders as interest on its debt.

What's more... that number is assuming the projected tax revenues are what they are projected to be.

With a global recession already starting and likely getting worse in 2023, those tax revenue numbers are likely to go down.

Then when you factor in that interest rates are likely to rise even further from here you quickly start to see how we could be headed for a very sticky situation here in the US, with much of the world in a very similar situation.

Given this backdrop, it has never made more sense to hold some bitcoin as an insurance hedge... a hedge against central bank implosion, which has never been more likely on a grand scale than it is right now.

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