RE: GBTC now trading at a record discount, 19% discount to NAV

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GBTC now trading at a record discount, 19% discount to NAV

in bitcoin •  3 years ago  (edited)

Yeah what is with that. It almost makes me wanna buy some, however I don't know if there is a problem. I did buy some trying to do a trade, btc went up and they damped GBTC on me and I am stuck in it. LOL It was like they literally scammed me or something. I don't get it. I bought some Coinbase, not too much, and then btc had to go and do all this too. Weird. Scammed. Luckily for me I only bought a little bit of GBTC, nothing compared to what I used to have, .001% so it's finer I didn't hardly loose anything. Also you don't loose until you sell. But this makes me think twice about going big into it. I think GBTC could damp to 8 bucks again one day - lol! (If btc does keep going down) But you can't day trade GBTC any more because you can't trust that the premium won't just go down on you for no reason?? Maybe it is a deal now, I have no idea. Usually it is the best time to buy.

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