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For Yard

Work 🥓

The psychopaths in control on Our planet, who own all the big, for-profit corporations, including the "governments" on Our planet (from towns to countries), use the various wings They created to push the People the way They want the People to go.

The US "government" has had a for-profit corporation since 1871. When the civil war debts came due, They created the corporation for the District of Columbia to repay those debts. It looked a lot like the constitution but with a few word changes. It had similar positions. And what it did not have was the Bill of Rights.

The People in the original quietly vacated it and moved into positions in the corporation. The public was none the wiser. I can no longer find the quote of someOne - wish I could remember the name - who was part of the ownership of the corporation saying something to the effect, "Let Them have two parties. We control them both."

Today, the corporation, along with the help of the media, "education" (indoctrination), publishing, and such, divides Us to keep Us conquered, pointing from one wing to the other as the "problem." They appoint Their officers, including CEO (president), and put on a show for Us to move Us as They will. They hold "elections" to maintain the illusion We have a choice, "count the votes," and tell Us who "won" (who They appointed).

Today They use the left wing to usher in Their agendas and Their right wing to lead "resistance." Tomorrow They may use the right wing for the agendas.

Dirty Bird.png

When We accept Their rule and point to one wing or another as the problem, and not the dirty bird (the psychopaths in control) as "the problem," We serve Them well, maintaining divide.

And this is why I do not consent to the whole psychopathic legal/governmental system - I cannot consent to anything that breaks the three Laws of Ethics (MUCH higher than the legal sewer!) and that system thwarts Ethics FAR more than serves them! I stand sovereign on this Ethical ground, under the three Laws of Ethics ONLY.

And when enough of Us make this choice, co-creating a better way for society to operate, They will have no power, and We will be free.

~Ethical Ground.png

The Detailed Blueprint (for a Society of Ethical Sovereigns) (7 min):

Screen Shot Colors..PNG