Bikes - Show Us Your California

in bike •  3 years ago 

Hi Friends,

For me, one of the things that epitomizes the area I live is people spending time outdoors. You would think that a city would be the opposite, but, aside from downtown LA, most of Los Angeles County is spread out and there are lots of recreation activities available - surfing, snowboarding/skiiing, hiking, running, fishing, mountain climbing, etc.

One thing our family likes to do outside is ride bikes. With the kids growing so fast, we recently had to get my son a bigger bike... here he is testing it out:


We like to ride around the neighborhoods mostly, but have also used a few biking trails in the parks, which are very nice as well. Many beaches have nice bike trails as well, so you can get a view and the ocean breeze while you pedal away.

Thanks for coming by and seeing a little piece of my California.


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