My personal interpretation of Bible Prophecy

in bible •  5 years ago  (edited)

My personal reading of prophecy is a little unconventional. My father, who is unfortunately quite an evil man, despite this through obsessive years of reading and analysis came to the conclusion that 2020-2024 was the time he said the trouble would happen, and I wasn't really that surprised when the lockdowns started, that he was right.

However, as an avid student of philosophy and human cognition, having tinkered extensively with my own consciousness, I have a somewhat more mundane view of what is happening.

I thought that maybe there could be friendly, heaven-sent aliens coming to intervene in small but careful ways, but let me first explain why I think this.

In the account of the arrival of Cortez to Mexico, the aztecs could not actually see the ships on the horizon. They didn't know what they were looking at because it was unprecedented and had never happened before in their recorded history. Suddenly there were these tall, white men piling out of boats on the shore, and based on their prophecies (sound familiar?) they believed that this was the coming of the Bright God, I forget his name, but he is the polar opposite of Quetzcoatl, the serpent/bird-like 'god' that has a remarkable similarity to biblical descriptions from Genesis. Both a reptile and avian, and flashy and impressive.

They put up no resistance to Cortez's soldiers, who all but wiped them out, and most of the survivors then succumbed to cold and flu viruses carried across the ocean from Europe inside the bodies of the spanish conquistadors.

So, firstly, what I am suggesting, is that a similar thing will happen in the near future. I know it sounds far out, but if you have been following the threads I have uncovered amongst the jibber jabber on the interwebs, that many of the actions of the evil cabal threaten the bulk of life on this planet. Namely that they seem to be attempting to set off a new ice age that will decimate the population, most likely, with such things as cold and flu viruses, while they starve and huddle in what shelter they can find.

We will not recognise, for the most part, the arrival of these friendly folk from our neighbourhood in the galaxy. In this case they are not likely to be actively killing the corrupted souls, but like the writings about what it is to see the face of God, they will wish to be dead and probably plenty of jim jones style mass suicide led by their puppet masters.

The next element is the nature of the war between the Remnant, those who hold firm to their faith in God, and the minions of Satan. There will be a lot of WW2 style herding of people into internment camps, and for the most fervent, those who fall into this trap will be beheaded, and their bodies drained and their blood used in dark rituals to increase their spiritual power.

As well as this, there will be a second part of the Remnant who flee to the mountains and other similar refuges. I see myself amongst this group. Mainly because I want to be able to hinder the progress of the evil ones in their prosecution of the great blood harvest, as much as I can... to go out with all guns blazing, so to speak. As such my focus in this time is towards securing the minimal resources I need to be a truly painful thorn in their sides. I am by nature like a reconnaissance soldier, I have already ventured to pass by their guards and discovered that actually, outside the cities, they have little power, and probably it is from economic limitations that they are focusing on where the bulk of the fruits designated for Satan are going to be reaped.

Now, I first of all see that it will not so much be fire that does the most damage, except in that the fire will raise so much dust that the 'snowball earth' rapidly sets in, sometime in the next two years. Yes, this is likely to be nuclear war.

Note that it just so happens that the typical amount of time for such an amount of dust kicked up into the atmosphere coming back down and allowing the sun back in, is predicted by most scientists to be about 1000 years.

This happens to also be exactly how long that those who are picked up by the 'angels in flaming chariots' will reside off-planet.

This is why I am sure there will be aliens and that they will not so much intervene, but be there to protect us.

It's funny, actually, because in some respects this whole storyline mirrors what is depicted in the game Half Life 2. On one hand, there is aliens with psychic powers who intend to set up their empire over humanity, called 'Advisors', on the other, is another equally strange type of alien called 'Vortigaunts', who covertly offer assistance to the resistance, under the banner of the Lambda symbol, which is the origin of the name "Half Life", as this is the symbol used in nuclear physics to represent the exponential decay rate of radioactive materials.

It even says in Revelation that before the trouble begins fully, that those who are amongst the righteous will be marked by these aliens, and 'marked' can also mean 'noted, recorded and monitored'. The forces of evil have no power to touch those so marked, and as I discovered in summer of 2015, in Rome, that this promise of clemency is inviolable, and as such, even if they do (behead) and kill the more crazy amongst us who see it as their place to jump straight into direct verbal conflict with their forces, will not be permanently lost, as these helpers have the power to record the totality of our physical being. Such technology isn't even that far from what we have now. So I believe that these aliens have been keeping tabs on us for a long time, and waiting for the time in which this will happen.

How could they know this? I think that any culture that can travel in space between stars, has maps of the stars in such detail that they know that our planet is currently being buffeted by levels of stellar winds that only happens very rarely, especially this far to the edge of the Milky Way galaxy. This radiation greatly increases the chances of a freeze also. So, while there may be great fire and a lot of dust pushed into the sky, the fire is only the precursor to the freeze that is the objective.

I know it sounds far out and maybe even as much as I am obliquely referring to the Nephilim and Annunaki, well, maybe it literally is exactly that. These stories originate from ancient times, originally, fleshed out with the imaginations of the researchers who have been proposing such events are coming.

It is a far too little known fact that such short lifespans as we have now are in fact the result of the need to lower the danger of our powerful minds, so we think in shorter terms and are not so capable of wreaking the most heinous possible havok with super slow long games. The advisors of the representatives of the dark forces, who are now excitedly prosecuting their war against life on this planet, indeed have such long time perspectives, and it is the only explanation that fits the multi-generational game that they have been playing, which kicked into action in the late 16th century, that I can believe in.

Such narcissistic, toxic characters as those who pull the strings behind the curtain, cannot possibly have such perspective on their own, as narcissism by definition shortens the time preference of people, though having said that, within the span of their own lives, gain many victories as they prosecute their careful, long term plans, but without their plutocratic power, they would be just like common criminals, uncomfortable enough that they are likely to die as their victims defend themselves.

The other thing, perhaps the third and final element of my perspective, is that this is not the first apocalypse, but rather, the second, third, or maybe more, as human society has existed on this planet likely at least 100,000 years, based on archeological evidence such as the 40,000 year old human skeletons found in Australia.

The most recent similar event is recorded in the early books of the Old Testament, and are mirrored in numerous other myths of a great flood. Though the text seems to literally say the whole world was covered in water, a recently developed hypothesis suggests that in fact the flood was caused by a rapid glacial melt in the eurasian continent, that fed rivers that fill the Black Sea (Dnieper, Danube, Volga, etc), and at a certain point this warming led to massive widespread floods that tipped it over the edge to the point that what we know of now eastern Bulgaria and Romania were flooded maybe as much as 300-400km inland, which would have destroyed many of the settlements there.

In fact, it is known already that humans have been living in the Thracian Plains for at least 6500 years on the site now occupied by the city of Plovdiv, and the Bulgarian Government has forbidden that any further archeology be permitted. But based on the evidence found in the Magura Cave in northwestern Bulgaria, and another site southeast at the margins of the Rhodope mountains, that humans have lived here at least 12,500 years or more.

In the prophecies in one or two places it compares the current suspected 'end times' to the times of Noah, which were likely to have occurred between 9 and 10 thousand years ago, as the plagues on Egypt may have been in fact the effect of one of the islands of the Greek archipelago, called Thera, which was one of the places where Noah's boat ended up after floating across the Turkish peninsula between Black and Mediterranean seas, and it was from this rumbling volcano that the people who became the Jews fled and found themselves stuck in Egypt.

That was just by way of description of an interpretation of events described in biblical texts, likely passed down as stories for thousands of years, before writing was (re) invented that allowed us to know of it.

The point being that the core element of the story's interpretation is that the events were triggered by massive natural disasters, and you can find numerous examples of this, and even the Qur'an repeatedly emphasises the idea that when a society becomes decadent and completely controlled by evil, that God sends a disaster to clean them out.

What is significant about the coming events, however, is that the scale of the event and the power of the evil is so broad and covers most of the planet now. They are even literally dusting up the atmosphere as though to help make sure that the freeze comes and leads to massive loss of life, and even, the destruction of much of the ecosystem altogether.

I suspect that an ice age is actually inevitable anyway, and they are gilding the lily in their actions, but it is their nature to believe they have such god-like power, as the Advisors are directing them to poison all who are susceptible at a base genetic level, in order to eclipse their life force and turn them into pure slaves. The Advisors want that life force. All of the evil ones will be taken in this, as well as every human who refuses to open their eyes and see what is happening.

Do I think that it really matters, in the long run? I consider this to be a fact - evil people destroy themselves the most, in the long run. They disrupt cooperation and retard development and are drunk with their power.

I know it sounds kinda wild and far fetched, but I am convinced that is what is going on. I don't believe that the galaxy is mostly devoid of life, because even 0.00001% of stars having living planets still amounts to billions and billions (hat-tip to the great Carl Sagan) of planets, and out of those, likely billions have tool using, language speaking, intelligent beings and out of those at least thousands can travel across the stars. And that doesn't even include the billions and billions of galaxies.

I am not gnostic in my beliefs, and I have no sympathy for the devil, whatsoever. However, I know from the operation of consciousness, and computation, that polarities are inevitable and mutually related. I think that Satan is tasked with the job of proving whether or not we are faithful, but also his sickness of pride also makes him hungry for the souls of the corrupted, and that the Advisors are his representatives in our immediate neighbourhood, and in the scale of the time of the universe, it is the goal to maximise intelligence and life in our universe, against the forces of entropy and decay that naturally exist in contrast to that which is good and right.

And goodness is rare. It would not be worth so much if it were not.

Further, the model I have of the universe is asymmetric, just like the balance of good and evil in humans, and the combinations that yield a sustainable continuity are also rare, so it is not your usual 'God made satan ergo satan is good' - no, rather, that complacence and indulgence are easy, but virtue and faith are (extremely) difficult, especially in the situation where our knowledge of the bigger picture is so small it feels like we are dust in the wind, tossed around by larger forces - which is true, but we do have the ability to steer and this ability is from the infinite future of the universe, connecting back to its origins from time to time, as they are predetermined to do.

Of course even I could be so flimsy that I will get swept away into the trap. I cannot really know. But either way, there is no point in lamenting this blindness, as I can at best only try to fill in the gaps in the lines of convergence I see flowing through time.

When I was sitting at the beautiful, old 19th century era train station near the river in Budapest, I had a vision about how God is actually all of the good in the universe, at the infinite 'end' of space and time, and the knowledge of the future flows back towards us (note that several well supported formulae involving energy and space and time have reverse time solutions, and we have now discovered how to make photons travel backwards in time), and God is that infinite matrix at the 'end' of the universe.

It is based on my hypothesis that the universe did have a beginning, like the cellular division process, and this division process is the basis of the force of gravity and the dividing primary particle/waves are endlessly dividing, as the base matrix of our universe is 'smooth', that is, it can be endlessly divided, just as you see with numbers, except that of course we cannot count all of them, this is implicit, but we know enough that right now you are looking at the product of a technology that uses a mere 256 little bits to represent numbers larger than the number of atoms estimated to exist in our universe, to protect our identities on this platform, namely Elliptic Curves.

I know it sounds crazy, but I just felt it was necessary for me to explain this as I have been also talking about my christian beliefs. They are unconventional but I don't think they greatly deviate from the facts that you can discover if you do some research, of course it is not possible for me to be sure, until I am actually shown the full picture, which is something that I feel strongly I will be.

If you are good of heart and the events of recent times disturb you, do not be afraid. It is your duty to be bold and fearless. If you were marked, you will not be destroyed, even if you appear to die. If the still small voice tells you to put yourself in the line of fire, do it, because as it says in the prophecies, those who have such faith will receive the greatest rewards.
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