
in bet •  4 years ago 

I bet you five bucks Trump will be elected in 2021. Covid Vaccines gives people HIV. Why is Covid still going up even as we social distance, lockdown, and masks? Australia stopped Covid Vaccine Trial. People are taking the Covid Vaccine and then are testing positive for HIV. Thank you Facebook for stealing over 2K of my followers. Australian government said Covid Vaccines can only be administrated in hospitals or places with proper CPR equipment needed as vaccines are killing people. It is very bad. Covid has HIV. Therefore, of course the vaccine would have HIV too because that is how the relationship between a virus and a vaccine is, scientists and doctors can tell you this, it is simple math, science, medicine, it's how things work. Trump pushed a bad kind of mRNA Covid Vaccine. Do you want to bet $20,000 on who will win? I'm betting on the orange guy. Don't worry, I'll lose the bet and I will have to pay you all of that money to you. Just enter the bet with me, I dare you.

HIV Covid Vaccine

HIV was weaponized to murder people with excessive melanin. Covid Vaccines gives you HIV. The inventor of the PCR test said what? Why are they building an inauguration STAGE RIGHT NOW in DC when Biden said he will do it virtually? Why are they building a stage if the ceremony is going to be virtual? Covid Vaccines violate the international Nuremberg Code. Breast feeding is a conspiracy theory. Biden will have a fake virtual inauguration in 2021 while Trump holds a real one in DC with many millions of Americans. Covid vaccines are murdering thousands of old people right now globally. Follow Francis Boyle who talks about the Covid Vaccine. UK Requires 'resuscitation facilities' at Corona Vaccine centres after allergic reactions. If you think Trump will not become President again in 2021, bet me as much money as you want and I will pay you when I lose the bet. Everything in life is a bet. Life involves risks. It's called supply and demand. For Every Action, There Is An Equal And Opposite Reaction. Each one of us can choose to be part of the winning side of history. You'll regret not joining us.

I bet you $5,000 Trump is reelected in 2021

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2020-12-11 - Friday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-12-11 - Friday
Published in December of 2020

Screenshot at 2020-12-11 15:38:01 Cola tested positive for Covid.png

Cola tested positive for Covid

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Breaking News

For more information, visit Banned Video

Social Enginering in the 1990s

12:45 AM - Hive Blog

Yeah, I saw some of those movies, the Ducks for example. A lot of movies were about alien invasions in the 1990s and then we got what they called an invasion in 2001 with the World Trade Center. Psychologically, we wanted the terrorists to be those aliens we saw in those movies.

Elections News

For more info, please visit Stop The Steal

Why are they building an inauguration STAGE RIGHT NOW in DC when Biden said he will do it virtually?

Why are they building a stage if the ceremony is going to be virtual?

Covid News

For more info, please visit Banned Video

Melinda Gates was talking and she said, well, you would not believe what she said, two things, but I'm not going to tell you what Melinda said, you don't want to know, well, actually you do want to know, but you don't know what she said.

Melinda talked about being surprised of how Covid Lockdown affected the world economically but also said "We're not surprised how quickly it spread. around the world."

Australia stopped Covid Vaccine Trial

People are taking the Covid Vaccine and then are testing positive for HIV.

HIV was weaponized to murder people with excessive melanin. Covid Vaccines gives you HIV.

Covid Lockdown Not Helping, why?

12:10 PM - Facebook

Why is Covid still going up even as we social distance, lockdown, and masks?

Shane says Because there’s weeks of incubation

Shane Harro Harrison, how many weeks?

Shane said that people did not do it and that is why it did not work.

Shane Harro Harrison, and people did it. Most people did it. But that was 8 months or 32 weeks ago or 16 two-week periods.

Shane Harro Harrison said Lockdown is not working because people are not doing lockdown. Is that true? Are people not doing lockdown? Are people not wearing masks? Are people not social distancing? I asked why lockdown is not working and Shane said it is because people are not doing lockdown these past 8 or more months of 2020, this current year, globally.

Shane Harro Harrison, why did the Australian government stop Covid Vaccine Trials?

Shane Harro Harrison, False Positive for HIV

Shane Harro Harrison, people who got the Covid Vaccines then got HIV. So, the vaccines gave them HIV.

Shane Harro Harrison, what did Dr. Wolfgang say?

Your pancreas is gone ahahahhaa.

Shane responded by copying pasting the following from Sara:

By now you’ve probably all heard the news that the vaccine candidate developed by the University of Queensland/CSL will be effectively discontinued and will not be progressing to Phase 2/3 clinical trials.
Given the Australian government had entered into a now terminated agreement to purchase 51 million doses of this vaccine, it is important to explain the events that lead to this outcome, to ensure transparency and trust in the rigorous processes by which vaccine candidates are subjected to prior to approval for use.
How exactly was the University of Queensland vaccine designed?
Unlike Moderna and Pfizer, who based their vaccines on mRNA encoding the spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and unlike the University of Oxford trial, which utilised an adenovirus vector to carry the code for the full length SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, the University of Queensland designed a protein based vaccine. Protein based vaccines use part of the actual virus protein to elicit an immune response in host cells, instead of introducing the code of the protein via mRNA or vectors, which would still need to be translated by the host cell.
Although it is the means by which the virus enters the cells, and hence is the perfect target for the immune response, the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is actually quite unstable in its natural configuration. In order to stabilise the spike protein so that the immune system can recognise it in the proper configuration and hence mount an immune response against it, the vaccine researchers used molecular clamp technology to lock the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein into place.
How exactly was the University of Queensland vaccine stabilised?
The molecular clamp used to keep the spike protein in the best orientation for recognition by the immune system was short fragment of a HIV virus protein, consisting of 80 amino acids. This small HIV fragment is NOT infectious. It cannot give you HIV and it is not a viable or reproducible viral fragment.
The Phase 1 trial participants, which numbered some 216 volunteers, were informed at the onset of the trial that the HIV viral fragments were used to create the vaccine. The participants were warned of the theoretical possibility that the immune system may not only recognise the spike protein carried by the HIV clamp, but may also mount an immune reaction to the clamp itself if it identified it as foreign. Although the participants were warned of the theoretical possibility, the vaccine designers clearly believed that the likelihood of this happening was extremely low.
So what happened exactly?
Phase 1 trials began in July, with the aim to progress to Phase 2/3 in December. Data from Phase 1 has been analysed to check for immunogenicity to SARS-CoV-2. And because the HIV protein clamps were used, HIV serology tests were used to check to see whether a serological response to HIV was seen.
Despite only consisting of 80 amino acids, the immune system did indeed recognise the HIV clamp and mount antibodies against it. These antibodies were detected in the standard HIV serology test that we use in Australia to screen for HIV.
So are these participants HIV positive?
Some participants have recorded a positive serological response to HIV screening. However, it is important to emphasise that these are false positive results. This means that they are actually not HIV positive because they do not actually have active replicating HIV virus in their system.
How do we know these are false positives?
In medicine, we have tools that determine whether a result is a true positive or a false positive. If a person tests positive for HIV on a blood test then we do further confirmatory testing to determine whether active virus is present, such as p24 antigen tests and viral loads.
The participants who had a positive HIV serological response were tested further and proven that they do not have HIV.
How long would the serology test positive for?
We know that some viruses are able to elicit a lifelong positive serological response in humans even after the virus is technically cleared. That’s because the common tests are testing for antibodies to the virus and not the virus itself. For example, patients who have had Hepatitis C and received anti-viral treatment to clear it, will still record a positive serology for Hepatitis C for the rest of their life. The only way to determine whether it is a false or new (reinfection) positive is by checking viral load and doing further specialised tests.
If a person has HIV antibodies and hence tests positive in serology tests, then even in the case where the virus is suppressed (in genuine cases due to antiviral treatment) their serology will always be positive as they have ‘seroconverted’.
So although these trial participants are not truly HIV positive, their basic HIV serology test may claim that they are for the rest of their life.
So if the participants are not really HIV positive, what is the problem?
The problem is that HIV serology testing is done in many settings in the community. It’s used to test for HIV in vulnerable populations, screen pregnant women antenatally, and also as an employment requirement for most nurses and doctors due to the risk of infection in clinical settings involving contact with blood and other bodily fluids.
The fact that the University of Queensland vaccine produces a serological response using our standard test would create headaches if large numbers of people have false positives. Each case would need to be investigated and active infection excluded. This will require increased unnecessary testing. The medico-legal implications of a positive HIV serology would be a murky minefield when it comes to insurance policies and other processes.
So can’t the University of Queensland just change the clamp?
The specific clamp used in this study has been in development by the University of Queensland for a while. While they can go back to the drawing board and design a new clamp, it has been determined that it would take more than twelve months. This would not be a viable option given the time delay and the ready availability of other vaccine candidate front runners.
So what happens now?
The University of Queensland trial will not progress to Phase 2/3 but data from Phase 1 will continue to be collected and analysed to determine long term effects of their vaccine candidate for proper peer reviewed analysis.
So does this mean that I shouldn’t trust these COVID vaccines?
In fact, news like this, while disappointing to the researchers involved, is actually reassuring for the general public because it really highlights the rigorous testing that vaccines go through in Phase Trials before they are approved for use. Our vaccine approval process is stringent, and it needs to be to maintain the trust of the public to ensure confidence in the scientific process. To proceed with a vaccine that produces false positive HIV serology would be to risk the public’s vaccine confidence, which is an unacceptable risk. Full transparency should always be the order of the day.
This example today is the reason why the government signed multiple agreements with different vaccine providers. They placed their fingers in as many pies as possible while awaiting the scientific peer reviewed data that validates their research and trials. That way, we are not blindly reliant on any one vaccine candidate.

  • Sara


12:35 PM

What did 2 top scientists say about it? Why did they file a lawsuit?

I told Shane he was retarded at 12:50 PM or aorund that time.

Shane then said something about me being mad and a Yankee.

Wow. I feel sorry for you. That is not even a response. You are not aware of your own stupidity. That's why I feel so sad for you. My heart breaks. I'm crying. Tears flooding the world. A new world flood of tears.

They say Australians who took the Covid Vaccine were tested false positive for HIV. But that is a cover story. It was actually true positive.

Australian government said Covid Vaccines can only be administrated in hospitals or places with proper CPR equipment needed as vaccines are killing people. It is very bad.

Covid has HIV. Therefore, of course the vaccine would have HIV too because that is how the relationship between a virus and a vaccine is, scientists and doctors can tell you this, it is simple math, science, medicine, it's how things work.

Breauna Williams wrote: covid doesn't have hiv🤦‍♀️ this is the dumbest thing you've ever said dude

I replied: Breauna Williams, But it does and many scientists and doctors have made videos, articles, etc, and the information is everywhere. All you have to do is do some research and you will see what is obvious.

Shane calls me stupid. Shane Harro Harrison, Stefan Molyneux would say as he often does, "NOT AN ARGUMENT."

Oatmeal English

Learn English You Can Eat: Communication is Fundamental

Covid has HIV. Therefore, of course the vaccine would have HIV too because that is how the relationship between a virus and a vaccine is, scientists and doctors can tell you this, it is simple math, science, medicine, it's how things work.

Oatmeal High Council

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Wide spectrum analysis of history is critical to establish and maintain.

Covid has HIV. Therefore, of course the vaccine would have HIV too because that is how the relationship between a virus and a vaccine is, scientists and doctors can tell you this, it is simple math, science, medicine, it's how things work.

Oatmeal Health

You Are What You Eat: Natural Remedies

Australian government said Covid Vaccines can only be administrated in hospitals or places with proper CPR equipment needed as vaccines are killing people. It is very bad.

Covid has HIV. Therefore, of course the vaccine would have HIV too because that is how the relationship between a virus and a vaccine is, scientists and doctors can tell you this, it is simple math, science, medicine, it's how things work.

Breast feeding is a conspiracy theory.

They patent genome in order to claim ownership over your body.

Chat with me on Facebook

Here are some of my Facebook posts, comments, etc

Thank you Facebook for stealing over 2K of my followers.

Covid has HIV. Therefore, of course the vaccine would have HIV too because that is how the relationship between a virus and a vaccine is, scientists and doctors can tell you this, it is simple math, science, medicine, it's how things work.

How do you find things online?

03:12 PM - Facebook

Breauna Williams, Finding things online takes a lot of skill and it should probably be a college course if it isn't already. Such skill can be similar to the skill of researching in a library. I should probably write some articles and make some videos on the art of how to lookup things online. It would take a while to explain.

Do we have to wear masks or else?

03:19 PM - Facebook

Shane Harro Harrison said Lockdown is not working because people are not doing lockdown. Is that true? Are people not doing lockdown? Are people not wearing masks? Are people not social distancing? I asked why lockdown is not working and Shane said it is because people are not doing lockdown these past 8 or more months of 2020, this current year, globally.

how tf do you not see it. you. you are the problem. you refuse to wear a mask or obey covid procedures. you and other right wing conspiracy theorists are the reason why we're going into lockdown again

Breauna Williams, you know many people are wearing masks and social distancing. By that logic, things should be getting better. Your excuse is that not enough people are in lockdown. So, you believe we have to do more. Bill Gates said in some videos in 2020 on television that we must do lockdown into 2030 and beyond, that is the next ten years. You would have to logically agree with Fauci and Bill Gates. However, the CDC, the United Nations, and others, have written articles on their websites admitting that over 250+ million people are starving to death in 2020 and many of them may die in 2021 because of the lockdowns, the masks, the social distancing, the vaccines, etc. All of these websites, all of these people, have written articles, made videos, admitting to all of this and much more. All you have to do is do some research. Go watch videos of those people. Read the articles from their websites. You will see all of this and much more. They admit to so many things but not in the headlines. Usually, they admit to things at the end of long article and they do it in a very incognito way, very passive, very indirect in many cases. It is not a conspiracy theory when the people you follow admit to them. And they have. All you have to do is look in order to see them.

Covid vaccines are murdering thousands of old people right now globally.

BREAKING NEWS: Many viruses enter through your eyes. We need EYE MASKS.

Shane Harro Harrison Why do you follow me if I am so uneducated?

Francis Boyle

Patrick M Davies, Biden will be having a fake inauguration on a live stream. Millions of people will be in DC on the 20th of January of 2021 when Trump is officially reelected and that is when you can pay me.

You can enter the bet for as much money as you want, enter today and I will pay you the money when I lose the bet.

Marilyn Mitchell, my plan is to help people learn how to find things via how-to videos, articles, etc. I have written a few and I need to try to make some more.

If you think Trump will not be inaugurated in 2021, you can bet me as much money as you want and then when Trump is not reelected, I can give you all of the money you put in the bet. I already have one guy betting me $100. Another person, $20. I already wrote an article about it on my website. You can make a lot of money when I lose. What are you waiting for?

Do you want to bet $20,000 on who will win? I'm betting on the orange guy. Don't worry, I'll lose the bet and I will have to pay you all of that money to you. Just enter the bet with me, I dare you.

Patrick M Davies, by which government? That sounds like a trick phrase. America has two governments.

Shane Harro Harrison, I will pay you $1000 when Trump loses in 2021. I promise and this is on the Internet, it will not be deleted and people can screenshot this and keep me accountable. I will pay you the money. The whole world can see this and people can save this and shove it in my face in 2021 when I lose.

Patrick M Davies, On Jan. 17, 1961, President Dwight Eisenhower gave the nation a dire warning about what he described as a threat to democratic government. He called it the military-industrial complex. That is an aspect of the deep state which infiltrates and destroys the United States from the inside-out via the help of China, globalists, technocracy, plutocracy, corporatism, etc.

Marilyn Mitchell, you do not understand and you are missing out and there is more to it than what you're thinking, more on this later, you will see, you should trust me by now.

Purple comes from the carbon dioxide which beings to build up on the teeth.

Marilyn Mitchell, I've not confirmed that it does directly but it may be true indirectly that people get purple teeth and it may be for several different factors working together. Speaking of carbon dioxide, in related news, they say carbonated water can hurt the enamel of teeth. They say wine can stain teeth purple. We know blood appears purple as it returns to the heart in the veins. I don't know if you can see blood in the teeth or in the gums. I don't know the exact details to the alleged purple teeth. I will have to continue looking.


Everything in life is a bet. Life involves risks. It's called supply and demand. For Every Action, There Is An Equal And Opposite Reaction. Each one of us can choose to be part of the winning side of history. You'll regret not joining us.

I'm watching a basketball game. Why are the referees not wearing masks?

Chat with me on Twitter

Here are some of my Tweets on Twitter

Covid has HIV. Therefore, of course the vaccine would have HIV too because that is how the relationship between a virus and a vaccine is, scientists and doctors can tell you this, it is simple math, science, medicine, it's how things work.

If you think Trump will not become President again in 2021, bet me as much money as you want and I will pay you when I lose the bet.

Robert Barnes

10:16 PM - Twitter

What is the next step people can take? Demand their Senators join a House member to object to electors from contested states w/ questionable election results, especially when those states refused to allow an audit of the election.

Chat with me on YouTube

Here are some of comments, activity, etc, on YouTube

Covid has HIV. Therefore, of course the vaccine would have HIV too because that is how the relationship between a virus and a vaccine is, scientists and doctors can tell you this, it is simple math, science, medicine, it's how things work.


Covid has HIV. Therefore, of course the vaccine would have HIV too because that is how the relationship between a virus and a vaccine is, scientists and doctors can tell you this, it is simple math, science, medicine, it's how things work.

World Flood & Nguyen King

05:42 PM - Hive Blog

The Bible talks about Adam and Eve and then later on Noah. The Nephilim were around before the world flood. So, some people say the Nephilim died in the flood. Some suggest there are giants and other things hiding in the hollow earth. I don't really know what is inside the planet. Nguyen may have been a Vietnamese king but I have heard stories regarding that man being a descendant of Chinese people or that he was fully Chinese. It may have been during the time China invaded and occupied Vietnam.


The Mandalorian

2020-12-11 - Friday - 01:44 AM - 02:26 AM - The Mandalorian 207

They pull him out of jail and they run off to a jungle planet. They're trying to find and rescue Baby Yoda.
Pirates attack

The Wilds

2020-12-11 - Friday - 02:30 AM - 03:29 AM - The Wilds 101

Female Lost show in a way. Life of these girls and the plane crashes and they end up on an island. They show backstories to the women.

One girl dies.

But they are like on the Truman Show or something.

2020-12-11 - Friday - 03:32 AM - 04:19 AM - The Wilds 102

They talk about the phone. She lost her hand.

Why is Covid still going up even as we social distance, lockdown, and masks?

Ron Gibson


Covid Vaccines gives people HIV.

Ron Gibson


The inventor of the PCR test said what?

Why are they building an inauguration STAGE RIGHT NOW in DC when Biden said he will do it virtually?

Why are they building a stage if the ceremony is going to be virtual?

Australian government said Covid Vaccines can only be administrated in hospitals or places with proper CPR equipment needed as vaccines are killing people. It is very bad.

Covid has HIV. Therefore, of course the vaccine would have HIV too because that is how the relationship between a virus and a vaccine is, scientists and doctors can tell you this, it is simple math, science, medicine, it's how things work.

Breast feeding is a conspiracy theory.

NBC headline: Covid-19 vaccines may have potentially unpleasant side effects.

They patent genome in order to claim ownership over your body.

Biden will have a fake virtual inauguration in 2021 while Trump holds a real one in DC with many millions of Americans.

Ron Gibson


Cola just tested positive for Covid.

Betting on Trump

03:48 PM - Facebook

Trump won in 2020. Breauna Williams said she screenshots some of my posts. You can screenshot this post especially. I bet you $5000. I will pay you five thousand dollars when Trump loses, that is if Trump is not reelected in 2021 in DC in front of many millions of Americans.

Breauna Williams, you could give me $20. Oh ok. But don't worry, you 'll win this bet and I will still pay you $5,000 or I guess we could get a bunch of people to place their bets $20 for each person who thinks Trump will not be reelected in 2021. And then I can pay each person when I lose the bet, the gamble, the lottery so to speak. If I win the bet, then each person that entered the bet can pay me $20. But don't worry, I will lose the bet, so enter in, everybody.

I bet you $20 each trump will be reelected in 2021. So, you can place your bet for $20 or more that Trump will not be reelected. Yes, Biden will have a fake online inauguration virtually. But never mind that, Trump will have a real inauguration in DC in front of many millions of people. But you can bet all the money in the world that does not happen and I will pay each one of you that money when I lose the bet. This is gambling, like a lottery. Don't worry, you'll win and I will have to pay you all of that money. So, place your bets today. If you bet $5,000, I will pay you $5,000 when I lose this bet. I'm writing a post about this on my blog and other websites to archive this bet on the Internet forever. I will make some videos for the world to see this bet. But don't worry, I will lose the bet and you will make some money. So tell your friends and place your bet for $20 or however much money you want to bet.

Tim Cast IRL

05:08 PM - Timcast IRL - SCOTUS REJECTS Trump 20 State Suit, Alex Jones And Michael Malice RETURN

If we don't farm today, then we die within a month.

Farm today or die tomorrow.

Trump pushed a bad kind of mRNA Covid Vaccine.

Atoms mirror solar systems.

I am a guerrilla, kill yourself, says Alex Jones in a repeated meme.

General Shepherd

08:20 PM - WAR ROOM (Full Show) Friday - 12/11/20

General Shepherd

09:12 PM - ELECTION COUNTDOWN (Full Show) Friday - 12/11/20

Snow leopards tested positive for Covid.

UK Requires 'resuscitation facilities' at Corona Vaccine centres after allergic reactions

Conservative Twins

11:19 PM - U.S. Supreme Court Dismisses Texas Election Lawsuit


Unite America First



11:00 AM - 11:15 AM - Gathered up the charcoal and ashes and leftover twigs and branches and things from the fire from yesterday which I was turning into a volcano mount around 08:00 PM last night as I said already yesterday and I think most of it burned and the leftovers was like one percent or less and I drove the wheel barrow of the ashes and all to under the back patio and it was raining a little yesterday and the fire survived through it but very light rain on and off and it may be starting again as it is cloudy right now.


11:20 AM - Orange, coffee, oatmeal


01:10 PM - 02:26 PM - Transplanted not mint but other green plants over to the end towards the smaller compost pile which is when you exit the front door, it is to your left at the corner is the compost pile, so where the pole beans fence was across from where potatoes were. That took a few minutes or so. After that, vacuuming the house. After that, dishes. Got the mail. Oh the glasses place where I got my glasses in 2018 wants me I guess or my money I mean.


Weird thing kind of cool stuck in the oven, not toast but like turkish surprise but not that either. It's called Filos. And dinner was that too and then some rice and a leg of chicken.

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Appreciate your post's on these issues.