My examination is going on.

in beingsocial •  2 years ago 


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My examination is going on. It is my last exam of my B.Sc. (Honours) life. This course is subdivided into four parts in our department. And now the examination is going of the part-4. Here I have to face total 9 theoritical course,each of four credits, a lab experiments of 4 credits, a viva-voce of 2 credits and at last a honours project.

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Here is the list of total nine course that I have to face:

  1. Hydrodynamics
  2. Quantum Mechanics
  3. Differential Geometry
  4. Classical Mechanics
  5. Integral Equations
  6. Operation Research
  7. Astronomy
  8. Special Theory of Relativity
  9. Biomathematics

I have alrady faced the examination of six course among them. And still there are three more courses to face. They are Hydrodynamics, Quantum Mechanics and Biomathematics.


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I feel these courses is more complicated than I have ever faced in my student life. Special Theory of Relativity is soo more complex. I have faced the examination on this course yesterday. But still I am is in a dream of relativity. It seemed I am also a relative matter. Hahahahaha. Minkwoski space, World line, Tensor notation is so complex. I had a lot of pressure for this courses.

Anyway, I hope I will be able to face the rest of the examination well and will be back again here after I finished my examination. Thank you all.

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